Kanye West 2020: Tweets “I am running for President”

Kanye West let off the most surprising fireworks display on the 4th of July, Independence day, 2020, with his announcement of running for President in 2020 – 122 days before the November 3 election.

The hip-hop superstar officially announced his decision on his July 4th tweet on his official Twitter page. Within a few minutes, the current President Donald Trump’s one of the high profile supporters, SpaceX founder Elon Musk, expressed his full support to West, while Kim Kardashian West, has also supported her husband, retweeting his tweet.

“We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future,” West tweeted. “I am running for president of the United States!” He ended the tweet with a #2020VISION hashtag.

This is not the first time West has talked about his bid for the White House, as even in the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, while accepting his Video Vanguard Award, he talked about the possible entry into Presidential race.

“It’s about ideas, bro. New ideas. People with ideas. People who believe in truth,” West said in his speech. “And, yes, as you probably could have guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.”

Even in November 2019, he was open about his ambitions for becoming the President, when he said “When I run for president in 2024, we would’ve created so many jobs that I’m not going to run, I’m going to walk.”

While there are no other specifics related to West’s Twitter announcement, the question of his eligibility on the presidential ballots at this later stage is definitely a big hurdle. As per the candidate website Ballotpedia, the rapper had missed the filing date for independent candidates in New York, Maine, Texas, Indiana, New Mexico and North Carolina, which ended on June 25. The cut-off dates in Michigan – July 16, Pennsylvania – August 3, Wisconsin – August 4, Arizona – September 4.

Author: Ruby

Founder of CoffeaBreak.com, I love covering entertainment news related to movies, TV shows and games. Being a Jewelry designer by education, I have a passion for creating new concepts. A loving mother, a devoted wife, a chocolate and caffeine addict, I enjoy trying new recipes with fresh herbs from my terrace garden. When not buried in work, I prefer to explore hill stations and country side.

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