12 Interesting facts About Elisabeth Moss You Didn’t Know

The “Queen of Peak TV” has been leaving her fans speechless with her flawless performance in “The Handmaid’s Tale” right from episode 1. But, its’ not just that! The Queen is headed to the silver screen and seems to be conquering it also, with her unmatched talent. Fans have been going crazy about this beauty queen, and here are some little known facts about her that will blow their mind:

  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • However, this later changed into requesting his presence always just to entertain her, as she felt there was nothing like looking at a tall man in a tight green suit.  
  • Her character Mom’s scenes from the movie “Light of My Life” was shot in just a single day, despite every scene being a challenge in itself, conveying most important and critical stories. She felt as if, she was shooting an entire movie, within a day, which was true to her character.
  • The images of cat in her character June’s mobile from the Episode 5 of “The Handmaid’s Tale” season 1, are in reality the pictures of her ginger rescue cats Lucy and Ethel.
  • It was during the hiatus between the Seasons 5 and Season 6 of her TV series “Mad Man,” that she was able to film the first season of the “Top of the Lake” TV series.
  • As a part of the preparation for her role as Becky Something in the movie “Her Smell,” she attended guitar lesions for three months.
  • She started dating comedian Fereydun Robert “Fred” Armisen in October 2008, and got married in October 2009. But, the couple separated in less than a year, and divorced in May 2011.
  • Throughout her teenage years, she studied ballet, even travelling to School of American Ballet, in New York, with aspirations to become a professional dancer.
  • Every dialogue she utters in the movie “Her Smell” gives us a feeling like it was improvised on the spot, but in reality, every single word was in the script. Moss had a really tough time in memorizing such dialogues.
  • Bette Davis is one of her biggest influences to take up acting as a career. Moss felt a tug at heart to become an actress after watching Hilary Swank’s performance in “Boys Don’t Cry,” and wanted to do at least half as good as Swank.

‘Supernatural’ Season 15: Preview of ‘Last Holiday’; First Look at ‘Gimme Shelter’

The “Supernatural” stars have revealed that the titles of the upcoming episodes have “a lot of meanings.” First preview images of another episode of final season “Gimme Shelter” has also been released.

The long-running CW’s “Supernatural” series is all set to return for the final season with a standalone episode – “Last Holiday” on October 8, 2020.

And the stars – Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki have teased the fans with tidbits on what to expect from the show, which went on hiatus amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, when it airs the final seven new installments from Thursday.

The actors have revealed that the titles of the upcoming episodes have “a lot of meanings” especially the title of the very first episode to be aired may suggest that this be the last they spend together.

“It’s like the last breath you take before you’re about to take your final sprint or something,” Padalecki said in an interview with Variety. “Strangely, it’s a serendipitous welcome back to the final seven episodes because it’s sort of a chance to go, ‘All right, everybody take a deep breath, let’s laugh a little bit, let’s see the boys allow someone to give them some breaks.’”

Ackles added that “We will see that episode not only as an homage to the holidays that the boys get to go through and had to miss, but even the bunker that’s become their home [and] how little Sam and Dean have asked for other things or gratitude. It’s a chance for the boys to enjoy this home that’s given them so much.”

He also said “I think it’s probably one of those rare moments in the course of the show where we get to see the boys kick their shoes off, put their feet up and pat each other on the back and say, ‘Job well done’. But in true Supernatural fashion, it doesn’t last for long and we’ve got to get back to work.”

First preview images of another episode of final season “Gimme Shelter” has also been released, which shows the Winchester brothers going in search of a friendly face, while Castiel and Jack are seen flashing badges. The episode also sees Emily Swallow returning as Amara, God’s sister.

“Supernatural” Season 15 will air on Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW, beginning from October 8, 2020. Stay tuned with us, to know more about the upcoming final episodes.

The ‘Masked Singer’ Season 4 Star Unmasks Himself in Strangest Reveal

“Dammit, it’s hot, I’m taking it off,” Rourke said, before taking off his mask, right after performing, much to the surprise of the show’s panelists and host Nick Cannon.

First time ever in the history of the “Masked Singer,” the celebrity did the unmasking themselves, on the second episode of the Season 4, leaving every single person in the world in utter shock.

And the celebrity was none other than the Oscar and Razzie-nominated actor – Mickey Rourke.

Rourke, who has been performing as the Gremlin, was the second performer to leave “The Masked Singer” in Season 4, as his furry, hot costume might be one of the reasons to the premature exit.

“Dammit, it’s hot, I’m taking it off,” Rourke said, before taking off his mask, right after performing, much to the surprise of the show’s panelists and host Nick Cannon.

“Wait, Gremlin, what are you doing?” hollered host Nick Cannon, after Rourke declared that it was “too damn hot” and proceeded to behead himself right then and there. “What’s happening? The Gremlin’s telling me he wants to take this [headpiece] off! Gremlin, you can’t do that! That’s not part of the show! … Men in Black, I need some help! We’ve lost control. It’s the Gremlin’s show!”

“No one has ever done this!” noted judge Nicole Scherzinger.

The Panelist was not able to give their final guesses, as Rourke took off his mask, even before the show got to that point. However, panelist Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg correctly guessed him even earlier.

Rourke-as-the-Gremlin performed Ben E. King’s “Stand By Me,” which he dedicated to his friend –Willy DeVille, a musician who died in 2009. “It meant a lot because this song was sung by one of my best friends ever, Willy DeVille,” he said. “Willy passed away a long time ago and I’ve missed him for a long time. I think the other night for some reason Willy sent me this song.”

Rourke opted not to do any press regarding his exit, further leaving all involved baffled. Asked on the show by Cannon why he wanted to do “The Masked Singer,” Rourke said, “I was in the neighborhood. I like the show, I watched four episodes and they asked if I’d be interested so I watched from the very beginning and all that shit.”

If you want a hot clue to finding my identity, just look into stocks and bonds.

Last week, in the “Masked Singer” Season 4 premiere episode, the fire-breathing Dragon was revealed to be none other than 12-time Grammy nominee Busta Rhymes.

‘Game of Thrones’ Themed Attraction To Open In UK

It seems that die-hard “Game of Thrones” fans from all around the world will get to experience the fictional world of Westeros and Essos, through an all new “GoT” themed attraction.

It seems that die-hard “Game of Thrones” fans from all around the world will get to experience the fictional world of Westeros and Essos, through an all new “GoT” themed attraction.

The new attraction, which was planned in 2019, received the nod from the local authorities only this month, and will reportedly be set in the Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, with an estimated budget of £24 million.

According to reports, fans will get access to iconic sets like the Map Room, Dragonstone’s Throne Room, Castle Black’s Mess Room, Cersei’s Courtyard in King’s Landing, and also the fort at Winterfell. It is very well known that major portion of the series was shot in the Linen Mill Studios.

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“Some of the most iconic scenes from Game of Thrones were filmed at Linen Mill Studios. Our fans will soon have an opportunity to visit and see the work of the show’s incredible crew in the museum setting it deserves,” Jeff Peters, HBO vice president of licensing and retail, said in an interview, as reported by Indian Express.

Along with the tour of iconic sets, the attraction will also feature a tour of the costumes and props and a visit to the makeup and prosthetics shop.

Although it has been more than a year, since the series bid its goodbye, fans are constantly looking for some new information, including sequels, prequels and new books from author George RR Martin. The news of the new attraction has been met with joy of fans. The series has been the inspiration for many restaurants, pubs, cafes and many destination hotels too.

As of now, there is no official opening date for the new “GoT” themed attraction, as the project is still in the very early stages. However, a public announcement is expected to happen within this year.

First WandaVision Trailer Debuted At the Virtual 2020 Emmys

The first official trailer of the upcoming MCU series “WandaVision” was released on ABC’s broadcast of the 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards.

The first official trailer of the upcoming MCU series “WandaVision” was released on ABC’s broadcast of the 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards. The series will be released in late 2020.

In the new trailer, the superhero couple can be seen in their respective costumes from the Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez Walta’s Vision comic series.

Per the official synopsis, “The series is a blend of classic television and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which Wanda Maximoff and Vision—two super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives—begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems.”

Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany will be returning as their Marvel characters – Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch and Vision – in the six episode run which has been described as a “mega event series” by Marvel. The series will revolve around the two superheroes living an idyllic suburbia life in a world straight out of a 1950s sitcom.


The show is expected to take place following the events of “Avengers: Endgame,” but however, how Vision, who was killed in Infinity War, was revived is still not clear. In addition to Olsen and Bettany, the series will also have characters from Captain Marvel, Thor and Ant-Man, while staring Kat Dennings as Darcy Lewis, Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau, Randall Park as Jimmy Woo, and Kathryn Hahn as a neighbor.

“WandaVision” has also been revealed to come with a tie-up into the upcoming 2022 movie “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.”  The show had their wrap party weeks before the nation-wide shutdown due to the Coronavirus outbreak, and required just a few reshoots when the production was resumed last month.

Marvel Studios has confirmed that “WandaVision” will be the first MCU series to be stream exclusively on Disney+, although Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan-starring “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,” was initially slated to be the first series. With all the delays related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” has only recently resumed production, which is expected release in early 2021.

As for the “WandaVision” Marvel has not yet announced any official release date, while it is expected to premiere on Disney+ in December, 2020.

‘NCIS’ Season 18 To Return Mid-November: Nicholas Torres’s Family & Past Storyline; More of Gibbs & Torres Together

“NCIS” series star Wilmer Valderrama has teased the fans about his character Nicholas Torres’s fate in the Season 18.

The most popular “NCIS” series star Wilmer Valderrama has teased the fans about his character Nicholas Torres’s fate in the Season 18, and that the upcoming season, which will probably be back by mid-November, will get to see more about who he actually is.

Talking about getting back to work on the sets, the actor said that the upcoming storyline for his character will be focus more of his upbringing, and also give the audience the reason to why Torres is the way he is.

“We’re going to be finding out so much more about his past this season. This season is going to really focus a lot on where he really came from, what was his upbringing and his family, so we’re going to get learn a little bit more about his family since Torres has been such a mystery to the audience for the last four years,” Valderrama told TVInsider.

“It’s going to be fun to peel some of the layers off and really give the audience a little bit more justification of why he is the way he is. That excites me because as an actor, that’s what you want. You want to play those layers. You want to play the peeling of those layers and become more vulnerable because that’s what brings you closer to the other characters,” he added.

Valderrama said that his character Torres has realized that he had a lot more in common with Gibbs, and “In the last season, you saw a lot of them come together as the veteran wolf coming in with the young wolf and you’re going to see that play out a lot this season, how Gibbs is going to seem a little bit and feel a little bit responsible for the restructuring of Torres’ morality. He’s going to be a major influence in how he evolves as a leader, and that’s what’s going to be really fun to watch is just seeing Torres boycott that, “I’m only here part-time,” but really, internally, he knows he’s learned to make them the family he never really had.”

“NCIS” is among the first major network shows to have returned to the sets, after the worldwide shut down due to COVID-19, which the actor claimed to be a part of a learning curve. He added that there are so many protocols and guidelines which are really necessary at a time like this.

According to Valderrama, if everything goes as per the plan, new episodes of “NCIS” will be back by mid-November. However, there is no official date set as of now.

Watch The All New Final Trailer of Sarah Paulson’s ‘Ratched’

Netflix has released the final trailer of the upcoming series “Ratched,” the prequel to “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” starring Sarah Paulson.

Netflix has released the final trailer of the upcoming series “Ratched,” the prequel to “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” starring Sarah Paulson.

Judging by the trailer, the latest series could possibly be one of Ryan Murphy’s most terrifying till date, which revolves around the origin story of one of the most iconic characters – the asylum nurse and infamous villain Mildred Ratched.

Set in the 1947, Mildred arrives in Northern California to seek employment at a leading psychiatric hospital where new and unsettling experiments have begun on the human mind. On a clandestine mission, Mildred presents herself as the perfect image of what a dedicated nurse should be, but the wheels are always turning and as she begins to infiltrate the mental health care system and those within it, Mildred’s stylish exterior belies a growing darkness that has long been smoldering within, revealing that true monsters are made, not born.

The trailer sees the introduction of the concept of lobotomies, a major plot point in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” questioning whether it is playing God to call one feeling “right” and another “wrong.” The show delves a little deeper into the character of nurse Ratched than the book and film, as Paulson reveals in the voiceover that she was taken away from her parents when she was very young.

In a chilling monologue, Paulson says: “The doctors and nurses here, they want to give you hope that one day you can leave here. But you deserve someone to show you mercy… how different I would be if someone had.”

Sharon Stone is once again seen with a monkey on her shoulder, as she plays the equally eccentric character Lenore Osgood. The cast also includes Cynthia Nixon as Gwendolyn Briggs, Judy Davis as Nurse Betsy Bucket, Jon Jon Briones as Dr. Richard Hanover, Finn Wittrock as Edmund Tolleson, Charlie Carver as Huck, Alice Englert as Dolly, Amanda Plummer as Louise, Sophie Okonedo as Charlotte Wells, Corey Stoll as Charles Wainwright, Brandon Flynn as Henry Osgood, Annie Starke as Lily Cartwright and Vincent D’Onofrio as Gov. George Wilburn.

“Ratched” will premiere on Netflix on Friday, September 18, 2020.

14 Untold Facts About The Vikings TV Series Even Some Die-Hard Fans Don’t Know

With the “Vikings” TV series, we get to see and experience everything about the Norse culture, we have imagined.

About a millennium ago, the Vikings traveled throughout the world and invaded lands in the European continent. Their culture and customs to their unique hairstyles, has always had a significant role in the history, with their saga named the Viking Age. And now, with the “Vikings” TV series, we get to see and experience everything about the Norse culture, we have imagined. In fact, it’s not just about experience anymore, as the cast of the TV series, along with the gripping storyline, has created a humongous fan base. But still there are a lot more to the show, than just these simple things. Here are some interesting facts about the “Vikings” TV series, that every fan should know:

  1. The episode 15 – “All His Angels” from Season 4, was claimed as the most difficult episode to film, by Travis Fimmel, due to very poor weather conditions. It was very cold on the sets, combined with rainfalls.
  2. The majority Northumbrain soldiers in this episode were actually played by extras who often played Vikings. It was reported that most of these extras felt very strange to be a part of the Northumbrain soldiers who were torturing their Vikings leader.
  3. Initially, composer Trevor Morris was not happy with the score for the series, which he himself created. He got the Norweigan musician Einar Selvik involved in the score, providing Norse lyrics, along with authentic instruments specified for the Viking age. It was only then that Morris was convinced that the score was unique for the show.
  4. The distinctive jewelry pieces used in the “Vikings” were all made by hand by a South Carolina artisan called The Crafty Celt, who has been researching Viking Era and Early Celtic jewelry for more than a decade.
  5. In the Episode 2 of Season 1 – “Wrath of the Northmen,” the languages heard in the background when the anchor arrives are actually present day Danish and Swedish.
  6. To create the effect of teary eyes when Ragnar is crying on the beach in “Brother’s War,” Vaseline was smeared on the lens around Travis Fimmel, making almost everything around him appear blurry.
  7. Floki’s capture and imprisonment in the episode – “Kill the Queen” is actually based on the capture and imprisonment of the Norse God, Loki.
  8. Adam Copeland was informed well in advance about Kjetill going to massacre and cannibalize Eyvind’s family in revenge. In fact, he was informed by Michael Hirst even before the filming of Season 5 commenced.
  9. In the Blu-Ray release, in episode 5 of Season 1 – “Raid,” Helga is actually naked when Bjorn comes to Floki for help. However, in the Hulu’s streaming version, she was fully clothed.
  10. Ragnar was carried into Paris in “The Dead” episode in a chest that is shaped like a ship. According to the common Norse custom, prominent figures are buried in ships.
  11. Also, Ragnar’s plot to fake death for invading Paris, is said to be actually based on an actual plan of Bjorn Ironside in the 9th
  12. The Sicily set used in the fourth episode – “The Plan,” of Season 5, was built for the exterior shots of Jerusalem, most notably the final siege, in Ridley Scott’s 2005 film “Kingdom of Heaven.”
  13. The ship burial with human sacrifice in the episode 6 “Burial of the Dead” of Season 1, closely follows the description of a Viking funeral given by the 10th century Arab travel writer Ahmad ibn Fadlan.
  14. The waterfall featured in “The Most Terrible Thing” episode is actually Gullfors, close to Thingvellir, where Iceland’s first parliament was located.

Russia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Sputnik V: First Batch Released For Public

If the mass vaccination plan of Russia goes successfully as planned, the country will see the end of COVID-19 by next summer.

The first batch of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine has been released for the public, with plans for regional deliveries in the near future.

As per the information from the Russian Health Ministry, the vaccine against coronavirus, developed by Russia’s Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), has cleared the quality tests and has been released for civil circulation.

“The first batch of the ‘Gam-COVID-Vac’ (Sputnik V) vaccine for the prevention of the new coronavirus infection, developed by the Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, has passed the necessary quality tests in the laboratories of Roszdravnadzor (medical device regulator) and has been released into civil circulation,” the ministry said in a statement.

Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has expressed hope to vaccinate a majority of the Russian capital’s residents against the coronavirus within several months.

Sputnik V vaccine was the first vaccine against COVID-19, registered by the Russian Health Ministry on August 11, 2020. Named as homage to the world’s first artificial Earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, Sputnik V is actually a recombinant adenovirus vaccine – which uses harmless adenovirus, a group of common cold viruses, tweaked to contain the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. This gives the immune system the chance to recognize and respond to the virus, without the risk of getting sick.

If the mass vaccination plan of Russia goes successfully as planned, the country will see the end of COVID-19 by next summer. Russia is also expected to complete early-stage trails on a second potential vaccine against the deadly coronavirus this month.

Russia is also in the talks with India, “on different levels” about cooperation that may include “supplies, co-development and co-production” of Sputnik V. Russia has also shared “comprehensive data” on the vaccine’s safety with the Indian government.

Lucifer Season 5B: Ep 13 – “A Little Harmless Stalking” Will Be A Big Linda Episode

When “Lucifer” comes back again with the second part of “Season 5,” there will be a big Linda episode, in which fans will get to see a total new side of her character, in a deep emotional level.

Richard Speight Jr., the director of the episode “A Little Harmless Stalking” claimed that the particular installment will revolve around the fan favorite character Dr. Linda Martin, and that it will a “powerful episode on several levels.

“My second episode teaches a lot on Rachael Harris’ character, Dr. Linda. She plays very heavy in my episode, which, by the way, was a real treat, because she’s a powerhouse actress and funny as all get out, so that was a delight. So much of my episode really centers around her. There of course is always the powerhouse wizardry of Tom Ellis and his storyline, but my episode specifically wasn’t hammering home that through-line,” Speight told The Wrap.

“Without saying anything that I shouldn’t say, Dr. Linda gets in over her head in a situation that is very unlike her to get involved in — but she does so for reasons that will make sense as the show progresses,” Speight added. “So it’s not always the funny Dr. Linda. You know, we see funny Dr. Linda, but this is also — there’s a lot of heart to her character and we see a lot of that heart in this episode.”

Speight, the “Supernatural” alum, was the also the director of “BlueBallz” – Episode 6 of the first part of Season 5. He will also most likely be directing an episode in the final Season 6 of “Lucifer.”

It has also been confirmed that “Lucifer” will resume production on Thursday, September 24, 2020, to finish up the 16th and final episode of Season 5B. Following which, the crew will directly start filming the sixth and final season of the TV series.

As for the Season 5B, there will also be a musical episode and not to forget, a lot more of God. The second part will also have Rob Benedict aka “Supernatural‘s” own God, guest starring as a mercenary who lands in the crosshairs of Lucifer, Chloe and the LAPD.

Check Out James Bond’s New “No Time To Die” Trailer

James Bond is all set to be back this November, in an all new mission that changes everything, in the 25th Bond movie “No Time to Die.”

An all new trailer for the upcoming movie has just landed, and there’s lot more action than before. While there have been very little details about the film’s storyline, it is clear that Bond is jumping back into action, after trying to go into retirement.

“No Time to Die” also stars Rami Malek as Safin, a brand new Bond baddie. The film will also get to see the entry of Lashana Lynch as a new “00” agent.

Léa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, and Christoph Waltz will be returning as Madeleine Swann, Q, and Ernst Stavro Blofeld for the 25th installment in the James Bond franchise.

Let’s not forget that this will be the last movie to feature Daniel Craig as the famous spy, who will be facing a hard time as the “00” agent as the world changes around him, and be “the culmination of all that Bond has become, with all that he’s seen.”

Initially, the James Bond movie was supposed to have an April release, which was changed to a Thanksgiving launch, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“No Time to Die” is scheduled to hit the theaters on November 20, 2020.

Hello Games Working on A Huge Game Like No Man’s Sky

Well, the developer behind “No Man’s Sky” – Hello Games, has confirmed that it is working on an all new “huge, ambitious” project, just like the “No Man’s Sky.”

The studio founder Sean Murray, in his interview with Polygon, has made it very clear that the new game, which is still “very early” in development, is in no way related to “No Man’s Sky.”

Murray went on to explain that the studio’s designers have been split between 3 projects – with 3 of them working on their new short “The Last Campfire,” which was released last week, and the remaining 23 personnel working on new updates for “No Man’s Sky,” and the new huge project.

As of now there is no other information related to the new project at Hello Games, and when asked about its launch, Murray told Polygon that “I think about it a lot and I don’t know where I come down on it. There is a really positive thing about talking about your game a lot. Where you get people interested in it who wouldn’t have played it otherwise. We see that with No Man’s Sky. We appealed to a huge amount of people, a lot of whom wouldn’t have known about the game otherwise, right? If we’d stealth-launched it or whatever, some of our biggest fans would never have heard about it.”

He added that “So it’s very difficult. But I look back, having done a lot of different press opportunities and things like that. And I reckon about half of what we did — and a lot of where we had problems, I think, where we were naive — we didn’t really need to do and we would have had the same level of success, you know? And that’s my own personal take. Right? A lot of opportunities were put in front of us, and we were told that they were the right things to do and I look back and I’m not sure that they were super, super important to the overall outcome kind of thing.”

14 Unknown Facts About ‘The 100’ Even Die-Hard Fans Don’t Know

When “The 100” aired for the first time, the dystopian setting, the complex characters, and not to forget the gritty storyline, made sure to captivate the audience. Even after six fully completed seasons, the storyline is fresh, leaving the fans in awe with just as every episode airs. In fact, “The 100” series, which has been known for its extremely difficult questions, has never granted the die-hard fans, any easy answers, always keeping them on their toes.

Since the very beginning the show, lauded as a feminist show, has had women as the ultimate heroes as well as the gruesome villains, and almost everything in between. But still, the entire series has more to it, than these gorgeous yet dangerous female characters. Here are some really interesting facts about the series we bet you may not know:

  1. Ivana Milicevic, who played the character of Charmaine Diyoza, found out that she was pregnant, just a day before she had to start filming her character’s scenes for the fifth season of the series. In fact, in the episode “Shifting Sands” from Season 5, it was almost impossible to hide her pregnancy.
  2. In the series, the language spoken by the grounders called Trigedasleng, is said to have been created by the same person who created Dothraki, the language spoken in “Game of Thrones.”
  3. During the filming of the episode “The 48” – Episode 1 – Season 2, Eliza Taylor, who plays the lead character of Clarke Griffin, is said to have suffered an unexpected injuring on the sets.
  4. In “Murphy’s Law” – Episode 4 – Season 1, the scene in which Charlotte jumped off the cliff was said to have been filmed at 4: 00 a.m. Eliza Taylor claimed that particular day to be one of the “longest” and “hardest” days.
  5. The City of Light scene from the episode 13 “Join or Die” from the Season 3, was actually filmed in downtown Vancouver, BC, in which the patios of some outdoor restaurants can also be seen in the background.
  6. As per the initial drafts of the episode “A Lie Guarded” from Season 4, the opening sequence was an assassination attempt on King Roan. But, after filming the sequence was cut to make space for other plots.
  7. It has been reported that the very first episode “Eden” of the Season 5 of the series, took the entire cast and crew nearly 15 days to complete filming.
  8. The pilot episode of the series is actually the only episode of the entire series to have featured Kelly Hu, as her character has never been mentioned again.
  9. Even the character of Jasper Jordan was supposed to die in this episode, but the character’s fate was changed later, since the entire cast as well as the crew like Devon Bostick so much.
  10. In the Episode 3 of Season 2 – “Reapercussions,” the dam that Clarke and Anya jump off from, is actually a fictional dam named Philpott Dam, said to have been named after the show’s production designer – James Philpott.
  11. The ending of the Season 3 finale episode – “Perverse Instantiation: Part Two,” was rewritten before filming, as the original ending was too dark with Jasper committing suicide after coming out of the City of Light.
  12. In the episode “Fog of War” from Season 2, the original script had a scene in which Clarke and Finn bury the body of Delano, played by Brendon Zub. However, even after filming the sequence, it did not make it into the final cut.
  13. In an effort to make Octavia’s horse Helios, lick her hand in the final scene of the episode “A Lie Guarded,” the crew members had to use molasses.
  14. Eli Goore was supposed to reprise his role as Wells Jaha in the Episode 7 – “Nevermind” of Season 6, as the original script had an exclusive scene for him. However, due conflicts in his filming schedule, the scene was cut.

5 Times Jack Kline Stole Our Hearts In “Supernatural”

The youngest member of the “Supernatural” family, Jack Kline, made his entry only at the very end of Season 12 that too born as a young adult huddled in the corner, eyes glowing yellow. Let’s not forget the part that he is the nephilim son of Lucifer. But, even though his parentage is enough to make us believe his character to be as evil as Lucifer, fans were immediately drawn to the performance of Alexander Calvert, quickly making his character one of the fan-favorites.

Especially his bond with Dean Winchester, is one of the amazing relationships that the show has ever given us. Jack looking up to Dean, even though the latter considered the Nephilim to be really dangerous, kind of wrenched our hearts. Later, when their relationship evolved to that of a father son, in which they did things that Dean did with his father, made us fall more n love with the Lucifer’s son. Here is the list of our favorite Jack Moments from “Supernatural,” that we will never ever forget:

What the hell am I?

In an intense battle with the angels who try to capture Jack, the Winchesters discover Jack being unharmed by angel blades. This is the very first instance for Jack to grabble with the reality of being a Nephilim and the extent of his power. But, the kid repeatedly stabbing himself with a knife, only to see his wounds healing instantaneously, pulls at our heart.

His fear of being unable to control his powers and the thought that he would hurt someone makes Jack doubt himself, if he would be really evil. But, that particular scene earned him his place in the hearts of die-hard “Supernatural” fans.

Killing Zachariah

Despite his good intentions, Jack has constantly been exposed to the prejudice of humans since the start. And the attack by angels on the rebel army camp is even blamed on Jack, with Bobby claiming him to have betrayed their location on purpose. However, having taking Sam and Dean as his family, Jack refuses to listen to Mary, who asks him to hide, and instead fights for those in trouble.

Bobby even apologizes for his words, but Jack simply states that he had to do what Sam and Dean would have done in that situation, and once again proves his true nature to protect others. By defeating the angels, he finally feels that he has used his power to help people, rather than hurting them.

Trying to make new friends

One of the best things about Jack Kline is, his innocence and the scene in which he tries to get social with teens – Eliot, Max and Stacy, but accidentally injures Stacy, proves it. In fact, he is just two years old, at this point and there is a very big world for him that is yet to be known. While this particular scene includes some funny moments too, there is no denying the sadness it had to it too.

Fans get to see how much he wants to impress the teens and bond with them, and went on to do everything he could, to show off his skills and knowledge of monsters and creatures. After all, the kid only wanted to be liked by others.

Meeting Kelly in heaven

Jack’s death is something that every fan had a very difficult time dealing with. But, the moment Jack got to meet his mother, made it clear that the pain his death brought was worth it. Every Jack fan knew that it was something that he had longed for, as we did see him asking a shape shifter to transform into his mother, so he can get a sense of closure.

Jack had always wanted to be a boy to his parents, and he even tried to give Lucifer a chance, not wanting to believe the words of others about his father. But, this moment with his mother Kelly, and the special bond between them, was amazing. Although the moment didn’t last as long as we wished, we are really happy that Jack had it finally. Fans got to see Jack as just a son, which also made him realize he had a family of his own, in the Winchesters and Castiel.

The road trip with Dean

While Dean was the one who didn’t believe in Jack initially, it was he would became a father figure for him in the end. What started as a very complicated relationship, evolved into a father and son bond eventually, with Dean being the one Jack looked up to.

Jack, knowing that he was dying, wanted to experience as much as possible, and Dean accompanied him on a road trip then fishing. The dire situation of Jack, played with our heartstrings and made us sob our eyes out when he said he is going to miss spending time with Dean. These moments of Jack and Dean together, will forever be etched into our hearts.

What was your favorite Jack moment in “Supernatural”? Please let us know in the comments below.

NCIS: 5 Things That Could Happen In Season 18

Every time, the show returns with a new season, it has managed to keep it fresh with unexpected twists and turns and some compelling back stories of the characters, especially, the story of Agent Gibbs, which is still a mystery.

Since the first time “NCIS” premiered around 17 years back, the procedural drama has been one of the top TV series, with a humongous fan base. Every time, the show returns with a new season, it has managed to keep it fresh with unexpected twists and turns and some compelling back stories of the characters, especially, the story of Agent Gibbs, which is still a mystery.

Recently, fans have been too worried to send off Jack Sloane when “NCIS” returns for Season 18 this fall. But, there’s also hope for new development with possible new characters. The series is expected to resume shooting in early September, after the world-wide shutdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few things that fans can expect to see when the “NCIS” Season 18 premieres:

Jack’s Departure:

This, of course, comes as no surprise, as the actress herself has announced that she would be leaving “NCIS” after just 8 episodes in the Season 18. However, what happens to her character remains the question. Last we saw, she was building a relationship with the daughter she’d given up for adoption. There was also a rumor of a possible romance between Gibbs and Sloane, with fans even naming the couple as “Slibbs.” However, now that it has been confirmed that she is leaving, we can expect a different ending of her chapter.

More of Ducky and Gibbs:

The milestone of 400 episodes is no joke, and there’s a lot of hype revolving the episode, which is expected to explore the relationship between Gibbs and Ducky, that has been a part of “NCIS” since the beginning of the show. We are pretty sure that the 400th episode will certain live up to the hype, just like the 300th episode “Scope” which is one of the best in the entire series.

The Opioids Case:

If there is one thing that will surely return for Season 18, then we will stick to the Opioids storyline, which has been around since Season 16. Of course, the “NCIS” franchise is famous for the ongoing arc that can last for years, but still, it would be great if we get to see the opioids case coming to a close in this season.

McGee & Delilah:

“NCIS” has been one of those shows that take the audience home with the agents, only and very rare occasions, that too involving a case. But fans have always wanted to know more about the agents, and they life, especially McGee and his wife, fellow agent Delilah. If you are one of those die-hard fans who miss the duo, there’s good news. The show’s EP Frank Cardea has confirmed that the upcoming season will feature a new episode about the married couple, and possibly their children.

Tony & Ziva:

The last but not the least, when have we said no to more of Tiva moments? Fans have always been asking for Ziva David to return and when that happened, now they are yearning for the reunion of Tony and Ziva, with their daughter. Though it is not easy, considering Michael Weatherly, who played the role of Tony, now has his own show going on, we can’t rule it out as totally impossible.

In fact, it’s been a while since we had any kind of crossovers in the “NCIS,” so fans are hoping to see Tony in his element again, all be it, if only for a crossover.