12 Interesting facts About Elisabeth Moss You Didn’t Know

The “Queen of Peak TV” has been leaving her fans speechless with her flawless performance in “The Handmaid’s Tale” right from episode 1. But, its’ not just that! The Queen is headed to the silver screen and seems to be conquering it also, with her unmatched talent. Fans have been going crazy about this beauty queen, and here are some little known facts about her that will blow their mind:

  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • However, this later changed into requesting his presence always just to entertain her, as she felt there was nothing like looking at a tall man in a tight green suit.  
  • Her character Mom’s scenes from the movie “Light of My Life” was shot in just a single day, despite every scene being a challenge in itself, conveying most important and critical stories. She felt as if, she was shooting an entire movie, within a day, which was true to her character.
  • The images of cat in her character June’s mobile from the Episode 5 of “The Handmaid’s Tale” season 1, are in reality the pictures of her ginger rescue cats Lucy and Ethel.
  • It was during the hiatus between the Seasons 5 and Season 6 of her TV series “Mad Man,” that she was able to film the first season of the “Top of the Lake” TV series.
  • As a part of the preparation for her role as Becky Something in the movie “Her Smell,” she attended guitar lesions for three months.
  • She started dating comedian Fereydun Robert “Fred” Armisen in October 2008, and got married in October 2009. But, the couple separated in less than a year, and divorced in May 2011.
  • Throughout her teenage years, she studied ballet, even travelling to School of American Ballet, in New York, with aspirations to become a professional dancer.
  • Every dialogue she utters in the movie “Her Smell” gives us a feeling like it was improvised on the spot, but in reality, every single word was in the script. Moss had a really tough time in memorizing such dialogues.
  • Bette Davis is one of her biggest influences to take up acting as a career. Moss felt a tug at heart to become an actress after watching Hilary Swank’s performance in “Boys Don’t Cry,” and wanted to do at least half as good as Swank.

13 Mind-Blowing Facts About Melissa Benoist Every Fan Must Know

Melissa Benoist, with her piercing blue eyes, (or is it X-ray vision), has been in the limelight for decades, garnering incredible achievements.

Melissa Benoist, with her piercing blue eyes, (or is it X-ray vision), has been in the limelight for decades, garnering incredible achievements. From the portrayal of Marley Rose in “Glee,” to her super-human role in “Supergirl,” she would light up any kind of scene, just with her appearance. But, there are a lot more to the actress than that meets the eye. Here are some interesting facts about our fan-favorite Supergirl:

  1. The very first time Melissa tried on the Supergirl costume; she had an eye injury and had been wearing an eye-patch. She described her look as “kind of embarrassing.”
  2. The injury was caused when an iPhone was thrown at her in a domestic dispute, tearing her iris. This left her with one of her pupils being permanently enlarged.
  3. Before being cast as Katharine Russell in the 2016 movie “Patriots Day,” Benoist first auditioned for the role of Jessica Kensy, who eventually went to Rachel Brosnahan.
  4. She was involved in a mental health awareness movement called ‘I Don’t Mind’ with her husband Chris Wood, and helped in the launch of the website “I Don’t Mind.”
  5. Melissa’s role of Rachel Koresh in the TV Mini-Series “Waco,” was initially a minor one according to the original script, but after witnessing her acting talents, the writers gave her character more depth, to see how much of their expectations would she meet.
  6. At the age of three, she started attending dance classes, with focus on jazz, ballet and tap. She was a part of the church play directed by her aunt, when she was only four years old, following which she started performing in community children’s theatre in her hometown.
  7. Her pet dog Farley was featured in the movie “The Stew” as Dorothy, the pet dog of the main characters – Jerry and Susan. She played the role of Susan.
  8. She had originally auditioned for the part of Thea Queen, little sister of Oliver Queen, in “Arrow,” but lost to Willa Holland. However, the showrunners were very impressed with her.
  9. With this audition, she became the first choice for the title character in “Supergirl,” as she had a greater sense of duality, a sense of inner darkness behind her youthful exuberance.
  10. Ironically, she was also the very first actress, among the 1000 actresses to have auditioned for the role of “Supergirl,” just like her Arrowverse co-stars Stephen Amell, and Grant Gustin.
  11. In preparation for her role as the super-human, she read the New 52 “Supergirl” comic, some of which was also used in her audition. Only after winning over the role, she was informed by the producers that the TV series would follow a different path than the comics.
  12. She was involved in a campaign with her ex-husband Blake Jenner, to raise funds for the movie “Billy Boy,” which was actually Jenner’s writing debut.
  13. Despite receiving top billing for her role as Nicole in the 2014 “Whiplash”, and listed as the fourth cast member in the end credits, Melissa had a total of less than ten minutes of screen time.

14 Killer Facts About Karl Urban Every Fan Must Know

Karl Urban, with his dark intense eyes and deep commanding voice, has always made his presence felt even in small recurring roles of iconic series. And when it comes to his major roles in blockbuster movies, he knew how to leave a great impression among the audience. Be it his role as Dr. Leonard McCoy in the “Star Trek” franchise or the role of Skurge in “Thor: Ragnarok,” Urban’s performance was not something that can be easily forgotten. And now, with his role as Billy Butcher in “The Boys,” he is even taking over the die-hard fans of superheroes. Here are some interesting facts about the actor that will make you love him more:

  1. His first acting stint was at an early age of 8 when he delivered a single line in the New Zealand TV series “Pioneer Woman.”
  2. He was considered for the role of James Bond in “Casino Royale”, however he was not able to make the audition due to filming commitments.
  3. During the office fight scene in the movie “RED”, Karl Urban threw the cup much faster than what Bruce Willis had expected. The surprised reaction by Willis was real.
  4. Karl Urban almost did not reprise his role of Dr. Leonard McCoy in the movie “Star Trek Beyond” in 2016. It was the director Justin Lin, who convinced him to stay for the project.
  5. In the movie “Thor: Ragnarok”, Skurge played by Karl Urban gives a pose with two guns on a pile of corpses which is similar to the cover art on the Doom Video Game. Incidentally, Urban played a part in the movie “Doom” in 2005.
  6. He was born in Wellington, New Zealand and was introduced to acting through his mother who worked in Film Facilities in Wellington. His father was a German immigrant who owned a leather goods store.
  7. In the movie “Dredd” in 2012, he never removed his helmet nor did he smile on the sets to stay in the character. So much so that, when a cast member made a joke and invoked laughter all around, Urban gave him a Dredd star and made him apologize immediately.
  8. He is a very big fan of Star Trek franchise. He bought the complete series on DVDs and watched with his son. Shortly afterwards he was cast as Dr. Leonard McCoy in the movie “Star Trek” in 2009.
  9. During a train fight sequence in the movie “Priest” in 2011, Karl Urban accidently steps on Paul Bettany’s hand. The cry of pain from Bettany was real, but Urban thought it was part of the act.
  10. Karl Urban dared close friend and actor Jack Black to play the role of an extra for a day on the sets of the movie “Pathfinder” in 2007. Black accepted the challenge.
  11. He played 4 different characters – Emperor Julius Caesar, Cupid – the son of Aphrodite and Caesar, Kor – the Caveman and Mael – a biblical character, in various seasons of the TV Series “Xena: Warrior Princes.”
  12. To play the role of Eomer, the Horseman in “Lord of the Rings” movies, he practiced horse riding for two hours a day for 6 weeks. He also practiced the neck rein – controlling and steering the horse in one hand to wield a sword in another.
  13. He has been part of the three huge franchises; “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Bourne Trilogy” and “The Chronicles of Riddick.” However, he was introduced only in the second installments of all the franchises.
  14. He has 2 sons, Hunter and Indiana with his wife Natalie Wihongi. She was his makeup artist during the movie “The Privateers” in 2000. He separated from Wihongi in 2014, after 10 years of marriage.

14 Amazing Facts About Andy Samberg You May Not Know

A charming guy, known for being funny and laidback, who was also a writer and rapper, and highly talented performer, are just few word to describe Andy Samberg, the fan favorite Jake Peralta from “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” One of the best comedians in Hollywood, our beloved Samberg has come a long way from being a writer in “Saturday Night Live,” to the superstar that he is today. But still, he is the same Andy, with his best friends at his side. Here are some interesting facts about the Andy Samberg that will make you love him more:

  1. The original movie poster of “Hot Rod” featured Samberg standing on a hilltop and taking a bow in front of his moped, very similar to the after-credits sequence. However, the studio wanted the official poster to feature all the main characters, and hence it was changed.
  2. For his marriage with Joanna Newsom on September 21, 2013, he invited Adam Sandler, who showed up as his character Donny, outfit and hairstyle included, from “That’s My Boy” movie.
  3. Andy’s character of Conner4Real from “Popstar: Never Stop Never Stoppin,” was believed to be loosely based on Justin Bieber, but Andy has denied it on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” claiming it to have been more about the current music industry in general.
  4. In preparation of his character of Conner4Real, he was covered in so many fake tattoos, in an effort to suit the rapper style, similar to the many tattoos that Bieber sports.
  5. During the filming of “Hot Rod,” in which he played the role of Rod Kimble, all of his stunt doubles required to have prosthetic noses, in an effort to make them look as big as Andy’s.
  6. His co-star Jorma Taccone and director Akiva Schaffer would request the prosthetics to be bigger than the required size, as joke on Samberg, so that he would feel insecure.
  7. His performance as the Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg on one of the episodes of “Saturday Night Alive” was praised by the real Mark Zuckerberg.
  8. Samberg uses his character Jake Peralta’s signature “cool…cool cool cool cool cool cool” from the “Brooklyn 99” TV series, for his role as Junior in the 2016 movie “Storks.”
  9. After working on “Saturday Night Live” for seven years, Andy was ready to take a break from television, but changed his mind when he read the script of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” as he did not want to pass up the opportunity.
  10. The childhood pictures of his character Rod Kimble, placed in the dining room in the movie “Hot Rod,” are the real childhood pictures of Andy. His real-life parents were also part of the crowd, during his character Rod’s big jump at the stadium.
  11. Being s co-star in “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” he had to work in a Los Angeles studio lot, the very same lot where he had once labored as a gofer-like production assistant on the 1996 movie “Spin City,” in the initial days of his career. But this time, he had his own parking space.
  12. He performed the song “Dick In A Box” along with Justin Timberlake at one of Timberlake’s tour concerts in Madison Square Garden in February 7, 2007.
  13. In the movie “Hot Rod” the scene in which his character Rod Kimble asks Cathy (played by Britt Irvin) out, and then starts laughing hysterically was actually improvised on spot by Samberg.
  14. Even the scene when Rod and Cathy are on a bike ride to the date, Rod singing “Ohhh when you’re going on a date, and you put on a shirt! And you ride your bike to the daaaaate,” was said to be improvised by Andy.

Alluring Facts About Angela Bassett You Probably Didn’t Know

Angela Evelyn Bassett Vance, in her three-decade long career, took the entire Hollywood industry by storm, with elegant yet magnificent portrayals of smart and strong African-American women. Her captivating performances has always left the audience in awe, as she turns into the character, and takes us also deep into the heart of her role. Here are some interesting facts about the actress, who is kind of a household name, what with her roles in “American Horror Story,” and “9-1-1” TV series:

  1. She is the first African-American actress to have won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy, for her role as Tina Turner in the 1993 movie “What’s Love Got to Do with It.” Her performance was ranked at #95 on Premiere Magazine’s list of the 100 Greatest Film Performances of all time.
  2. Her co-star Laurence Fishburne who played the role of Ike Turner in the movie, actually accepted the offer to star in the movie, after turning it down for more than 5 times, only after he got to know that Angela had been cast as Tina Turner.
  3. Bassett became interested in a career as an actress in the filming industry, only after watching actor James Earl Jones perform in a Kennedy Center production of the play “Of Mice and Men,” in Washington, D.C., during her class trip in 11th grade class, in the year 1974.
  4. Having worked with the real Whitney Houston in the 1995 movie “Waiting to Exhale,” she went on to direct “Whitney” a TV movie. The most famous opening line “Time to be Whitney Houston,” is said to have been ad-libbed, on her suggestion, while filming.
  5. However, Houston’s family was not satisfied with the movie, with Whitney’s mother Cissy claiming that none of the individuals involved in the production of the movie, knew the real singer well enough to portray her.
  6. Even Whitney’s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown was said to be angry at Angela for not casting her in the role of her late mother. Brown expressed interest in playing the role, just as the biopic was in the initial stages, but Angela clearly refused to even consider her for the role, as she was not an actress and that acting is a craft.
  7. Angela accepted the role of Secret Service Director Lynn Jacobs in “Olympus Has Fallen” only because she had been waiting for an opportunity to work with Morgan Freeman.
  8. In fact, the role of Jacobs was initially intended and written to be for a man in the original script, but with Antoine Fuqua persuading Bassett to audition, the character was re-written to be a woman.
  9. She was the first choice for the role of Leticia Musgrove, in the movie “Monster’s Ball” but due to the requirement of performing nude in some scenes, she had to pass it over to Halle Berry.
  10. During the filming of the first spousal abuse sequence in “What’s Love Got to Do with It,” she injured herself while falling off the back of a high-rise sofa, and suffered a hairline fracture in her right hand. The footage of the mishap can be seen in the movie.
  11. For her role as Queen Ramonda in the “Black Panther,” Bassett underwent intense training with Corey Calliet, with high-intensity interval training circuits, focused on her lower body. Calliet’s special regimen in intervals of 30 second on, 30 second off, up to an hour at a time, was said to be the fastest and the most effective way to burn fat.
  12. The special wig that Angela wore for her role as Queen Ramonda in “Black Panther” was made up of 120 pieces of hair that were rolled and handmade into multiple dreadlocks, specifically for her.
  13. When the real singer Tina Turner met Angela Bassett, to get to know who is going to portray the singer in “What’s Love Got to Do with It,” Tina exclaimed aloud “She’s perfect,” just after walking up to Bassett.
  14. Bassett’s famous line “Right here! Right now!” from her 1995 movie “Strange Days,” was sampled as the only “lyrics” used repeatedly in the song “Right Here, Right Now” by Fatboy Slim, his best known song.

Surprising Facts About Stephen Amell You Never Knew Before

Stephen Amell took on the unenviable task of building the superhero universe and hit a bull’s eye (in Arrow’s sense), all with a smile in his lips. What’s more is that, he did it all, with a relatively unknown superhero Oliver Queen, who became the root of the “Arrowverse.” But, it’s not just about “The Arrow” when it comes to the Canadian actor, as Amell also keeps making headlines for his charity campaigns and philanthropic works. Here are some interesting facts about the actor, who is one of the best human beings in the world:

  1. Amell, through the crowd funded merchandise platform Represent.com, has been part of the campaign for children’s hospice Emily’s House in Toronto, in which an amount of $300,000 was raised.
  2. Stephen invented the word “Sinceriously,” designed in a T-shirt, for the 2015 campaign for Stand for the Silent and Paws and Stripes, two mental health charities.
  3. He actually used his guest appearance on “WWE Raw” with Stardust for fund raising for the campaign. He and Stardust presented the cheque at Emily’s House. Stephen had been involved in several campaigns through Represent.com.
  4. Amell’s performance in the tag team match with Neville, against Stardust and King Barrett, was praised by wrestlers all over the world. Particularly, his dive onto Stardust, during the match, earned him a Slammy for the “Celebrity Moment of the Year.”
  5. Stephen Adam Amell born in Toronto, Canada, is the great-great-great-grandson of Benjamin Devitt, the Mayor of Waterloo, Ontario. His great-great-grandfather – Louis Jacob Breithaupt was also the Mayor of Berlin, Ontario. His family surname of Amell, was spelled as “Hamel” several generations back, and is said to have originated in France.
  6. Stephen was the very first actor to have auditioned for the role of Oliver Queen / Green Arrow in “Arrow,” out of the thousand actors. He is also the only actor to have appeared in every episode of the series, except for the penultimate episode of the final season.
  7. He made a donation of $35,000 to the Red Nose Day special of “American Ninja Warrior,” for completing all six obstacles, and an extra obstacle, the Salmon Ladder.
  8. He was one of the three finalists to play Spartacus in the show Spartacus, after Andy Whitfield was unable to continue playing the character. But lost it to Liam McIntyre.
  9. Following the Southern California Fires of November 8 to November 21, 2018, he initiated a crowdrise campaign for the first responders and the wildfire victims. The Woosley Fire burned nearly 96,949 acres of land.
  10. Amell announced on Michael Rosenbaum’s podcast that his new show “Heels” will most likely premiere June 2021. The production of the show is set to start in August 2020.
  11. He also added that he would be performing all the stunts of his character, without using body doubles, in the show, which is set in the world of independent professional wrestling.
  12. He partnered with Fuck Cancer charity and released the T-shirt featuring his face as part of their fundraising campaign. Stephen effectively sold 60,000 shirts raising almost a million dollars.
  13. In his first ever singles wrestling match at “All In” held on August 6, 2018, Stephen Amell was defeated by Christopher Daniels.
  14. “The Arrow” series’ crew and cast were in the middle of the contract renewals, when Stephen announced his decision to quit the show, as he wanted to spend more time with his family. Immediately, it was decided that the show will end with the eighth season.

Incredible Facts About The Gorgeous Phoebe Tonkin You Never Knew Before

From a mermaid, to a powerful witch, to a vampire, to a werewolf, to a hybrid, Phoebe Jane Elizabeth Tonkin, has kind of done every possible character related to the supernatural world. And Phoebe has turned and twisted every single role, in her own way, making her performance stand out. It’s pretty much very easy to fall in love with her, as all it takes is a mesmerizing smile from her. But, it’s not just her beautiful face, as it’s her talent that pulls you in, leaving you wanting to watch more of her performances. Here are some interesting facts about the actress that will make you love her more:

  1. Her performance as Faye Chamberlain in “The Secret Circle” was praised by the critics, calling her as the break-out star of the series, despite the show being cancelled after the first season.
  2. Phoebe was listed on Variety’s list of “New Faces to Watch” as well as the E!Online’s list of “Break-out TV stars” in the year 2011.
  3. During the pre-production stage of “H2O: Just Add Water,” she improved her swimming abilities for her role as Mermaid Cleo Sertori. Her performance earned her a nomination for the “Best Lead Actress in a Television Series” award at the prestigious Australian Film Institute Awards.
  4. Apart from swimming training, she also had to undergo a rigorous training process, along with her co-stars to get their bodies ready for the extra weight of tails. Phoebe also learned breath holding exercises, to help with holding their breath underwater for long periods of time.
  5. Tonkin was featured as the lead in the music video for Miles Fisher’s single “Don’t Let Go,” in the year 2011.
  6. Born in Sydney, Australia, she went to pony camp during all of her summer holidays. She also had a golden retriever, Kari, as a pet.
  7. She was the face of stylist Ilona Hamer’s swimwear line “Matteau Swim” from 2015 to 2017, for three consecutive seasons. In 2015, she also played a major role in the launch of the lifestyle clothing line for Witchery.
  8. Her film debut was with the Australian movie “Tomorrow, When the War Began,” as as Fiona “Fifi” Maxwell. Following this movie, she moved to Los Angeles at the young age of 21, to pursue an international acting career.
  9. Tonkin was featured in the Jenni Kayne’s #findyouruniform fashion campaign along with Lara Bingle and TyLynn Nguyen in May 2018.
  10. After watching a few shows of the magician David Copperfield at a very young age, she immediately fell in love with him, and claims him to be her first celebrity crush.
  11. Phoebe opened a website related to health with her friend Teresa Palmer called “Your Zen Life” in the year 2012. But she stepped down from her involvement with the website in June 2015, due to her work schedule.
  12. Growing up, she had always wanted to be a Fireman, well Fire-woman technically. But, her dream never materialized.
  13. Tonkin, a very good dancer, started attending several dance courses, classical ballet, hip hop, contemporary dance and tap dance, at the very young age of 4. By the age of 12, she enrolled for various courses at the Australian Theatre for Young People at the Wharf Theatre, including Shakespeare, Script to Stage, Clowning Around and Musical Theatre.

Amazing Facts About Jennifer Morrison We Bet You Didn’t Know

Starting with the fairytale princess to the nerdy architect, to an alcoholic, to donning the hat of director, Jennifer Morrison just blows our mind in anything and everything she does. Her incredible portrayal of every character she plays has made it very difficult for her fans to bid goodbye to her characters in finales. And, her portfolio seems to have just started, what with the “Once Upon A Time” star venturing into new genres. With beautiful smile and impeccable performances, she has been winning the hearts of millions of people for decades. But still, there are many things about the actress that the fans may not know. Here are some interesting facts about the Morrison, who shines like the brightest star in the sky:

  1. Her character of Dr. Allison Cameron from the “House” was written out only because David Shore, the series creator wanted to make it clear that not every character around Dr. Gregory House will become corrupt. But, Shore admitted that it was way too hard to let go of Jennifer from the series.
  2. Jennifer Morrison has been on the cover of Sports Illustrated for Kids, when she was just 10 or 11 years old, along with the basketball legend Michael Jordan in the year 1992.
  3. The famous character of hers, Emma Swan from the most popular series “Once Upon A Time,” was specifically written with her in mind, and was tweaked to fit her perfectly.
  4. She was one of the chosen stars for the Top 10 of TV’s Sexiest Stars for TV Guide’s 2007 Sexy Issue, along with Evangeline Lilly, Eva Longoria, Patrick Dempsey and Josh Holloway.
  5. Jennifer made her directorial debut with the 2017 film “Sun Dogs,” which premiered at the LA Film Festival, and was later released in Netflix in April, 2018. The movie won the Best Narrative Feature Award at the 2017 SCAD Savannah Film Festival, along with three awards at the 2018 Mammoth Film Festival – Best Actor for Michael Angarano, Best Picture, and the Grandy Jury Award.
  6. Morrison graduated with a major in Theatre from Loyala University Chicago, in the year 2000. During her time there, she was part of the productions “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” by Edward Albee, “Blood Wedding” by Federico García Lorca and “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller.”
  7. As a child model, she had been in the print advertisement for JC Penney and Montgomery Ward, as well as the commercials for Rice Krispies and Mondo.
  8. Although she has never been a student of the Ball State University, in Muncie, Indiana, she portrayed a student from the university in the commercials titled “Everything You Need.”
  9. Her co-star Jesse Spencer from “House” proposed to her at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, on December 23, 2006, after a two years relationship. However, the engagement was called off in August 2007.
  10. During the filming of “Star Trek,” she was given scripts only for her scenes, keeping her in the dark for what her co-stars will perform. In fact, the entire movie was shot with high level security and ultra-secrecy, with only a few people getting to know the entire script.
  11. She was featured in the music video for ‘Demon Days (Do It All Again)’ by Wild Wild Horses, which is also directed by herself.
  12. Morrison is the only guest star in the entire series of “How I Met Your Mother” to have appeared in half the episodes of a given season. The show’s executive producer claimed her character of Zoey Pierson, Ted Mosby’s love interest, to be “the biggest female character we’ve maybe ever added to the show in Ted’s life.”

Killer Facts About Kevin McKidd We Bet You Didn’t Know

Kevin McKidd, with his remarkable blue eyes, has always left the audience mesmerized in almost every chance he gets. He is one of the few actors, who get the fans to feel every single emotion his character goes through, and much more, with very less words or actions. Despite being in the limelight for decades together, the star has an extremely private life, and considers his beautiful family to be his fondest accomplishment. Here are some interesting facts about the actor that will make you love him more:

  1. During the filming of his movie “Dog Soldiers,” he happened to crack a rib within just a few days. But kept it a secret from Director Neil Marshall, for the fear that he would be replaced.
  2. However, when the pain became unbearable, he revealed the injury to Marshall, after which he was replaced with Jason Statham. But, fortunately, Statham’s commitment with “Ghost of Mars,” made him turn down the offer, and McKidd was rehired after his recovery.
  3. Kevin was too happy to work in the movie “Brave,” lending the voice to Lord MacGuffin as well as Young MacGuffin, as he was able to use his natural Scottish accent in a movie, after so many years. In fact, the misunderstood dialect spoken by Young MacGuffin, is actually Doric, spoken in northeastern Scotland, including his hometown of Elgin.
  4. He initiated a Scottish folk music album “The Speyside Sessions” recorded in 2011/12 on Hogmanay in Elgin, with his old school friends being the major contributors. The album was released on June 15, 2012, in aid of Save the Children.
  5. McKidd is the only lead cast member of the movie “Trainspotting,” who is not on any of the promotional posters or even the video cover, as he went on a holiday right after wrapping up shooting, and missed the photo shoot for promos.
  6. His performance in the role as Lucius Vorenus, a soldier-politician, in the TV series “Rome,” earned him his most famous role as Dr. Owen Hunt, in the long-running medical drama “Grey’s Anatomy.”
  7. His performance as Dr. Owen Hunt has earned him the Best Performance in a Drama Series Multi-Episode Storyline Award in the 2010 Prism Awards ceremony. Apart from acting, till date, he has also been on the director’s chair of “Grey’s Anatomy” for 22 episodes, since his first directorial debut in the “Don’t Deceive Me (Please Don’t Go)” episode of Season 7.
  8. McKidd gave voice to the character of Jezz Torrent in the video game “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,” and also the character of John “Soap” MacTavish in “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” and “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.”
  9. He was talks to portray Connor MacLeod in a remake of the 1986 fantasy film “Highlander,” but lost it to Ryan Reynolds.
  10. During the filming of the scene from “Dog Soldiers” in which his character Cooper knocks out Wells, McKidd was throwing a stage punch for the first time, and misjudged the distance, catching Sean Pertwee, who played the role of Wells, right on the nose. However, Pertwee was too drunk for the scene, to actually feel anything.
  11. His acting career started when he landed the leading role in the stageplay, “The Silver Darlings”, produced by Robert Carlyle’s Rain Dog Theatre Company, in the year 1994.
  12. McKidd was a part of the William Shakespeare’s play, “Richard III,” – a Royal Shakespeare Company production in 1996, which premiered at the Barbican Theatre in London, England.
  13. Being a part of the ensemble cast in Mike Leigh’s “Topsy Turvy,” he did his own singing in the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas portrayed in the film, and did extensive research on his historical character, in an effort to develop dialogue for his scenes.
  14. In the movie “Bedrooms and Hallways,” Kevin’s character of Leo kisses Brendan, played by James Purefoy. When the duo paired up again for the movie “Rome,” McKidd claimed the kissing sequence to have been “an unpleasant experience” for both the actors.

Untold Facts About Fahadh Faasil Every Fan Should Know

Fahadh Faasil, in the last decade, has become a household name, not just in the Malayalam film industry, but in the Indian film industry. His extraordinary talent combined with impeccable performance, has made sure each and every movie of his is nothing short of visual treat to his die-hard fans. But, there’s a lot more to the actor, who is often regarded as media-shy. Here are some interesting facts about the actor – Fahadh – Shanu (for family) – FaFa (for friends):

  1. In order to clear his schedule for the movie “Maheshinte Prathikaram,” in which he played the titular role, he returned the advances he received from other several projects. Till date, “Maheshinte Prathikaram” is his highest grossing movie.
  2. A lawsuit was filed against him, for violation of the rule against public display of images of smoking, by the Kochi Town Central Police, in June 2012, as a poster of his movie “Diamond Necklace” featured him smoking a cigarette. The poster was on display in Kavitha Theatre in Kochi, since the movie’s premiere.
  3. Fahadh’s film debut was with the 2002 movie directed by his father Aleksa Muhammed Fazil, famous as Fazil, titled “Kaiyethum Doorath.” He starred as Sachin Madhavan alias Sachu, against Nikita, who played the role of Sushma.
  4. But the movie was a box office failure. While many criticized his father for the movie’s failure, he defended his father claiming it to be his fault to have come into an industry without due preparation.
  5. With that failure, he left to University of Miami in the United States, to pursue M. A. in Philosophy, and returned only after five years. He returned to the film industry with the movie “Kerala Café” in 2009.
  6. His very first appearance in the film industry was as a child artist in the 1992 movie “Pappayude Swantham Appoos,” in which he was a child in the party in Appu’s house.
  7. Fahadh’s long kissing shot with his co-star Remya Nambeesan, in the “Chappa Kurishu,” is most likely considered to be the first ever in Malayalam Cinema, and was even termed controversial.
  8. On the release day of his movie “Maheshinte Prathikaram,” he along with the entire movie’s crew members, visited the theaters in 14 districts, to get to know the audience reaction first hand.
  9. Fahadh even went on to occupy the ticket counter in a theater and distributed the tickets all by himself, until every show of the day was sold out.
  10. His marriage with Nazriya Nazim was fixed while both of them played the role of husband – Shiva Das and wife – Divya “Kunju” Prakash, in the Anjali Menon’s “Bangalore Days.” Both their parents were very pivotal in arranging the marriage.
  11. Writer Syam Pushkaran discussed the idea of “Kumbalangi Nights” as well as the character of Shammy, with Fahadh, while the duo were working on “Maheshinte Prathikaaram.” Fahadh was immediately interested, and not only agreed to play the part, but also co-produce it under the production company Fahadh Faasil & Friends, that he owns with his wife.
  12. Before the filming of “Bangalore Days” commenced, his co-stars Dulqar Salman, Nivin Pauly and Nazriya Nazim were in a grooming camp in the director’s house. Fahadh was prohibited from joining them, as his character required an introvert behavior.
  13. During the filming of “Maheshinte Prathikaram,” he as well as the director Dileesh Pothan, broke their foot, although the injury was not severe. Most of Fahadh’s movies are famous for their ultra realistic stunt sequences, and “Maheshinte Prathikaram” also featured one such sequence.
  14. Fahadh, under his wife’s name Nazriya Nazim, co-produced the 2018 movie “Varathan,” which was a commercial success. This movie is reportedly the highest-grossing Malayalam film of 2018 in Bangalore, grossing over ₹1.06 crore in just 12 days, only in capital city.

Scintillating Facts About Sarah Paulson You Should Know

Be it drama or horror or comedy, Sarah Catharine Paulson does it all, and even adds her own flavor of spice (charm) that only a few other actress of her generation can do. Her versatility, which the critics love her for, is more like a dream of today’s actresses, making her one of the inspirations. From the good old days of her role in “What Women Want,” to even her latest “Ratched” Netflix series, the minute she appears on the screen, she steals the entire limelight. Here are some really interesting facts about the actress that will make you love her more:

  1. She is the first actor to win all five major acting awards (Emmy, TCA Individual Achievement in Drama, Critics Choice, Golden Globe, SAG) in a single year for the same role.
  2. For her movie “Blue Jay,” which was shot in just 7 days, she was given only the summary of the storyline, as there was no script. Everything that she did in the movie, was improvised by her.
  3. She has an extreme fear of flying, and whenever she travels by plane, she personally meets the pilots to be assured that they are adequately experienced. Her typical question to the crew members is “How long have you been doing this?
  4. While some pilots occasionally tease her saying “This is our first day,” some of them who are well familiar with her phobia, will often whisper her name “Saaarrraaah” over the cabin PA system during a flight coordinates update.
  5. Sarah accepted to play the role of Dr. Ellie Staple in “Glass,” without even reading the script, and despite her part originally intended for a man, just for the opportunity to work with director M. Night Shymalan.
  6. She claimed in a 2016 interview that her role as Abby Gerhard in “Carol” was “much more integral” as per the original script, but most of it was cut, much to her regret.
  7. Paulson is so much dedicated to accurately portraying the real-life prosecutor Marcia Clark in “American Crime Story,” that she smoked real cigarettes, despite being a non-smoker. Starting with the mannerism to every minute detail, she was determined to stay in the character of Clark that she even wore the “Magie Noire” perfume, same as Clark’s.
  8. Marcia Clark, in her appearance on “The View” disclosed that she was truly honored to see the way Sarah Paulson has been portraying her in “American Crime Stories.”
  9. It was Steve McQueen’s daughter who asked him to hire her for the role of Mistress Epps in the movie “12 Years a Slave,” as she found Sarah to be scary in her audition tape.
  10. After working with her in the “Ocean’s 8” movie, Sandra Bullock personally requested her to play the role of her sister, Jessica, in the 2018 movie “Bird Box.”
  11. Her role as Dr. Zara in the “Abominable,” is her very first voice acting role in a theatrically released animated film.
  12. Sarah also suffers from Trypophobia, which is extreme fear of holes, especially bees, honeycombs, sponges, etc. A cluster of holes would bother her most.
  13. Paulson was reportedly filming “American Horror Story: Hotel” alongside the first season of “American Crime Story,” mostly on the same day too. In between breaks, she would be rehearsing the lines of her other character, despite the court room scenes running late until up to 2 AM.
  14. Her performance as Clark in the first season of “ACS” earned her the “Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie,” while she had till date refused to watch it. During her acceptance speech in the award ceremony, Sarah Paulson publicly apologized to Marcia Clark for judging her, simply based on her portrayal by the media. She even had Clark’s name engraved on the Emmy.

Incredible Facts About Isaiah Washington Every Fan Should Know

Isaiah Washington, in his more than 2 decades long career, has seen and done almost everything, from a gangster to cop, to just an average hardworking Joe to the most talented surgeon, to even a gay Republican man. In fact, he fits into every mold perfectly, and then re-shapes the entire mold to fit his characterizations and powerful performances. It’s not just his acting career, but his philanthropic works to his people in Sierra Leone, makes him one of the most wonderful persons on this earth. Here are some really interesting facts about the actor that will make you love him more:

  1. Isaiah authored the book “A Man from Another Land,” which chronicles the early days of his life, his TV and film career, and also his search to find his roots.
  2. In the 2008 movie “The Least of These,” in which he portrayed the character of Father Andre James, he was not required to go into the lake, as the dead body emerged.
  3. As per the original script, Father Andre James only has to watch the water as the dead body emerged, by it was Washington who suggested that the character should go into the lake.
  4. Washington originally auditioned for the role of Derek Shepherd, “Grey’s Anatomy,” but landed the role of gifted cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Preston Burke.
  5. He was also Shonda Rhimes’s first choice to be the lead of the show, who wanted to pair Meredith Grey, played by Ellen Pompeo, with him, to bring in an interracial couple.
  6. But Pompeo, who has an interracial relationship in real life, wanted to have Patrick Dempsey as the lead, as getting paired with Washington felt too close to home for her.
  7. His mother was the first African-American woman to be licensed as a barber in the state of Texas.
  8. Washington revealed that his father, after whom he was named, was actually murdered in Houston Texas. He was in the very young age of 13 years at that time.
  9. In order to determine his heritage, he underwent a DNA test, and found out that his father’s side is Angolan and his mother is from Sierra Leone, linked to the Mende and Temne peoples.
  10. He first visited Sierra Leone in May 2006 and started his charity work. He was granted Sierra Leone citizenship, making him the first African American to be granted full citizenship based on DNA.
  11. Since then, Isaiah become one of the African nation’s most visible supporters, who helped in building schools, wells, medical supplies and also foreign investments, through his foundation.
  12. In recognition for his service to the people of Sierra Leone, he has been vested with a chieftaincy title of the Mende people, taking the regnal name of Gondobay Manga II.
  13. Before taking up the acting career, Washington was in the United States Air Force, and had a dream of becoming the second “General Washington.” He even wanted to become a professional football player in his school days.
  14. For his role as Dr. Preston Burke, he was honored as one of “TV’s Sexiest Men” in June 2006, and one of “TV’s Sexiest Doctors” in June 2008 by TV Guide. He was also named as one of People’s “50 Beautiful People” in May 2006.

Amazing Facts About Alycia Debnam-Carey You Didn’t Know

Alycia Debnam-Carey, who took the world by Storm, or is it “Into the Storm,” is an immensely gifted actress, who is not just a beauty, but a talented actress, and incredible musician that has already bought her a handful of accolades. Let’s not forget her high intelligence that earned her the Premier’s Award for scoring 90s in six of her courses in school. And all this, in a very young age of just 27! Here are some really fascinating facts about the actress that will make you love her more:

  1. Alycia made her mark in Hollywood, when she was cast as the youngest member in “Next Stop Hollywood, a six-part documentary following six Australian actors competing for a chance in US TV pilot season. The documentary aired on ABC1 in Australia.
  2. She was just 18 years old when she moved to LA, for Hollywood chances. Her mother Leone Carey, a television writer, accompanied Alycia in her journey.
  3. In the initial days of her acting career, Debnam-Carey has appeared in guest roles as Chloe Sanderson and Mia, in episodes of “McLeod’s Daughters” and “Dance Academy” respectively.
  4. Her character of Commander Lexa was initially a guest role in the episode six of season two of CW’s “The 100.” But with her fan following, and her character becoming a fan-favorite, her character was made a recurring role in the third season.
  5. Following her character of Lexa’s death in “The 100” TV series, over $100,000 was raised for the Trevor Project, focused on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ and questioning youth.
  6. Within just two weeks in Hollywood, she was shortlisted for a role of Carrie Bradshaw in the CW series “The Carrie Diaries.” However, she lost the role of Carrie to AnnaSophia Robb.
  7. At the same time, Alycia landed the lead role of Mary in the independent feature film, a thriller set in the Amish community – “The Devil’s Hand,” and started shooting in North Carolina, in her sixth week in Hollywood.
  8. She and her co-star Thomas McDonell who played the character of Finn Collins in “The 100” also worked together in the 2014 movie “The Devil’s Hand.”
  9. Coincidentally, it is Alycia’s character that is said to be responsible for the death of McDonell’s character in both “The 100” as well as “The Devil’s Hand.”
  10. In “The Devil’s Hand,” her character of Mary kills McDonell’s character of Trevor by herself, while in “The 100” her character of Lexa orders the death of McDonell’s character of Finn Collins.
  11. Her first talk show appearance was on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” on August 27, 2015, to promote her show “Fear the Walking Dead,” a companion series and prequel to “The Walking Dead.”
  12. Her acting career started at the very young age of 8. When she was just 10 years old, she co-starred as Elsie in Rachel Ward’s award-winning short-feature film “Martha’s New Coat.”
  13. Alycia is a close friend of Maia Mitchell, whom she first met at the age of 11, during an audition in Australia. But, with time, they lost touch, and once again met at a hotel after Alycia moved to LA.
  14. Graduating from Newtown High School of the Performing Arts as a percussionist, she and 40 other musicians, in collaboration with Berlin Philharmonic, compose a piece together in a two week program.

Some Enticing Facts About Emily Bett Rickards We Bet You Didn’t Know Before

Emily Bett Rickards, with the voice of an angel and gorgeous smile, has been the super-hero saving the world as Felicity Smoak for nearly a decade now. Be it her performance as Felicity, or just a minor role, she had constantly turned heads, receiving praise from critics and fans all over the world. But, there’s more to the actress, than just her acting career, as she is one of rising philanthropists, dedicated to bringing a change in the world. Here are some interesting facts about the actress, you may not know:

  1. Emily launched a T-shirt campaign in support of the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) in 2016, in collaboration with the crowd funding merchandise site Represent.com. All the proceeds of the campaign were donated to the charity.
  2. Rickards’s very first professional appearance was in the video for the Nickelback single “Never Gonna Be Alone,” in the year 2009.
  3. Her first foray into film industry was with some minor roles in “Random Acts of Romance,” and “Flicka: Country Pride,” in 2012, following which she was cast as Lauren Philips, a fictionalized love-interest of the killer, Chris Porco, in the “Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story.”
  4. “Emily Bett Rickards Acting Scholarship” was announced in February 2019, through her partnership with the Vancouver Film School, which will fund a full scholarship for both of the school’s acting programs. An additional partial funding of $250,000 for other students of the school, has also been allocated.
  5. Initially, her breakthrough character of Felicity Smoak in the “Arrow” was intended to be just a single episode guest appearance, but due to her chemistry with co-star Stephen Amell, who played Oliver Queen, her character was promoted to a regular in the show.
  6. She was cast in the role of Kim in the 2018 “Funny Story,” directed by Michael Gallagher, who claimed Rickards to have the qualities of an actress who can speak volumes without a single word and show their heart through their eyes.
  7. Emily Bett Rickards received the nomination for the Leading Actress in A Feature category, at the Southampton International Film Festival. Her performance as Kim was praised by festival critics, who described it as “impressively toe(ing) the line between blustery self-regard and the vulnerability it hides.”
  8. Rickards, in collaboration with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, filmed a Public Service Announcement, through which advancements in the treatment of spinal injuries were advocated. It was released on the same air-date of the episode “Taken” from Season 4 of “Arrow,” in which her character Felicity regains the ability to walk with the use of a prototype microchip.
  9. It was in the “The Fury of Firestorm” comics that her character Felicity Smoak originated as the step-mother of the superhero Firestorm, in the pre-New 52 continuity. However, with the popularity of her character in the “Arrow” show, Felicity was re-introduced from the October 2014’s Issue 35, in the New 52 continuity as part of the “Green Arrow” comics.In fact, the re-introduced New 52 version of Felicity Smoak’s appearance is said to be based on Emily’s portrayal of the character of Felicity in “Arrow.”
  10. She landed the supporting role of Patty in the Oscar nominated film “Brooklyn,” through her audition with director John Crowley, via a Skype call from her agents office, in 2015.
  11. Director Jeff Cassidy, Arrowverse alum, was very much interested in casting Emily in the role of Emma/The Princess in the super-hero themed short film “Sidekick,” co-staring Josh Dallas. But, he had concerns that Emily was too young for the role, and had to consult with make-up artisit Tina Teoli, before casting her.
  12. Emily Bett Rickards is the narrator of the audiobook “The Wicked Ones,” originally published as part of the “Ghosts of the Shadow Market” anthology, which is a companion book to Cassandra Clare’s “The Mortal Instruments” series.
  13. For the casting of Grant Gustin in the role of Barry Allen, The Flash, casting director David Rapaport was able to convince the network executives, only after a chemistry test between Gustin and Emily as Felicity.
  14. Rickards played the lead role in the Zayd Dohrn’s production of “Reborning” for Reality Curve Theatre Group, at the Annex Theatre in Vancouver. Her performance was praised by Katie Gartlan-Close, of Vancouver Presents stating “a phenomenal job carrying this show” giving a “nuanced portrayal of Kelly.”

Incredible Facts About Ian Somerhalder Every Fan Should Know

Be it the Damon Salvatore in “The Vampire Diaries,” or the lovable Boone Carlyle in “Lost,” or the Dr. Luther Swan from “V Wars,” Ian Somerhalder does it all, that too impeccably. It’s not just the characters, but the actor himself is one of the best persons in the entire planet, a good humanitarian, an environmentalist, and an animal lover. Here are some interesting facts about the actor that will make you love him more:

  1. He was born as Ian Joseph Somerhalder to Robert Somerhalder, a building contractor and Edna, a massage therapist on 8 December, 1978, in Louisiana. He has an elder brother Robert and a younger sister Robyn.
  2. He was cast as Boone Carlyle in the ABC’s drama series “Lost” in 2004. He was the first to be cast in that TV series. Ironically he was also the first person to be killed off in the TV series after just 18 episodes.
  3. When he was offered the role of Vampire in “V-Wars” in 2019, he rejected it several times, as he had just finished 8 years as Vampire in “The Vampire Diaries”. Later he agreed to the show having been impressed by the theme and the story, after reading the book the show is based on.
  4. During the production of “The Rules of Attraction” in 2002, Roger Avary maintained an online blog and updated it daily about the production. Somerhalder visited strip clubs and his then girlfriend Kate Bosworth came to know about it through the blog.
  5. During the cafeteria scene in “The Rules of Attraction” director Avary wanted to see Somerhalder’s erect nipples to be visible through the shirt. Somerhalder had to pinch and twist his nipples during take much to the awkward cast members.
  6. He opened a furniture shop “Built of Barnwood” along with his elder brother Robert in 2012. They built and sold their own woodworks.
  7. He bulked up and added 20 to 30 pounds of muscle to his thin frame in 2005 so that he would be considered for a leading role.
  8. He was in a relationship with his “The Vampire Diaries” co-star Nina Dobrev from 2010 to 2013. Rumor has it that he was talking about marriage, but she wasn’t ready and they broke up.
  9. He was planning to buy a house in Hawaii while being part of the TV series “Lost”. However he abandoned the thought after his character was killed off within just 18 episodes.
  10. He heavily contested for the role of Christian Grey in “Fifty Shades of Grey” in 2015 but dropped out owing to scheduling conflicts with “The Vampire Diaries”.
  11. He began modeling at the age of 10 and embarked on an acting journey by the age of 17. He appeared as model for brands such as Versace, Guess, Gucci, Dolce & Gabanna and Calvin Klein.
  12. He got his surname Somerhalder from his adoptive great-grandfather who married his great-grandmother while she was already pregnant. His biological great-grandfather was a wealthy English landlord with the name Hull.
  13. In one of the scenes in “The Vampire Diaries” he is seen reading the book “Fifty Shades of Grey”. It wasn’t any coincidence that he reads that book as he was in contention for the lead role in that movie.
  14. He started dating actress Nikki Reed in 2014 and married her on 26 April, 2015. Screenwriter and singer-song writer, Nikki Reed also portrayed a vampire character in “The Twilight Saga” as Rosalie Hale.