Scintillating Facts About Sarah Paulson You Should Know

Be it drama or horror or comedy, Sarah Catharine Paulson does it all, and even adds her own flavor of spice (charm) that only a few other actress of her generation can do. Her versatility, which the critics love her for, is more like a dream of today’s actresses, making her one of the inspirations. From the good old days of her role in “What Women Want,” to even her latest “Ratched” Netflix series, the minute she appears on the screen, she steals the entire limelight. Here are some really interesting facts about the actress that will make you love her more:

  1. She is the first actor to win all five major acting awards (Emmy, TCA Individual Achievement in Drama, Critics Choice, Golden Globe, SAG) in a single year for the same role.
  2. For her movie “Blue Jay,” which was shot in just 7 days, she was given only the summary of the storyline, as there was no script. Everything that she did in the movie, was improvised by her.
  3. She has an extreme fear of flying, and whenever she travels by plane, she personally meets the pilots to be assured that they are adequately experienced. Her typical question to the crew members is “How long have you been doing this?
  4. While some pilots occasionally tease her saying “This is our first day,” some of them who are well familiar with her phobia, will often whisper her name “Saaarrraaah” over the cabin PA system during a flight coordinates update.
  5. Sarah accepted to play the role of Dr. Ellie Staple in “Glass,” without even reading the script, and despite her part originally intended for a man, just for the opportunity to work with director M. Night Shymalan.
  6. She claimed in a 2016 interview that her role as Abby Gerhard in “Carol” was “much more integral” as per the original script, but most of it was cut, much to her regret.
  7. Paulson is so much dedicated to accurately portraying the real-life prosecutor Marcia Clark in “American Crime Story,” that she smoked real cigarettes, despite being a non-smoker. Starting with the mannerism to every minute detail, she was determined to stay in the character of Clark that she even wore the “Magie Noire” perfume, same as Clark’s.
  8. Marcia Clark, in her appearance on “The View” disclosed that she was truly honored to see the way Sarah Paulson has been portraying her in “American Crime Stories.”
  9. It was Steve McQueen’s daughter who asked him to hire her for the role of Mistress Epps in the movie “12 Years a Slave,” as she found Sarah to be scary in her audition tape.
  10. After working with her in the “Ocean’s 8” movie, Sandra Bullock personally requested her to play the role of her sister, Jessica, in the 2018 movie “Bird Box.”
  11. Her role as Dr. Zara in the “Abominable,” is her very first voice acting role in a theatrically released animated film.
  12. Sarah also suffers from Trypophobia, which is extreme fear of holes, especially bees, honeycombs, sponges, etc. A cluster of holes would bother her most.
  13. Paulson was reportedly filming “American Horror Story: Hotel” alongside the first season of “American Crime Story,” mostly on the same day too. In between breaks, she would be rehearsing the lines of her other character, despite the court room scenes running late until up to 2 AM.
  14. Her performance as Clark in the first season of “ACS” earned her the “Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie,” while she had till date refused to watch it. During her acceptance speech in the award ceremony, Sarah Paulson publicly apologized to Marcia Clark for judging her, simply based on her portrayal by the media. She even had Clark’s name engraved on the Emmy.