14 Amazing Facts About Andy Samberg You May Not Know

A charming guy, known for being funny and laidback, who was also a writer and rapper, and highly talented performer, are just few word to describe Andy Samberg, the fan favorite Jake Peralta from “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” One of the best comedians in Hollywood, our beloved Samberg has come a long way from being a writer in “Saturday Night Live,” to the superstar that he is today. But still, he is the same Andy, with his best friends at his side. Here are some interesting facts about the Andy Samberg that will make you love him more:

  1. The original movie poster of “Hot Rod” featured Samberg standing on a hilltop and taking a bow in front of his moped, very similar to the after-credits sequence. However, the studio wanted the official poster to feature all the main characters, and hence it was changed.
  2. For his marriage with Joanna Newsom on September 21, 2013, he invited Adam Sandler, who showed up as his character Donny, outfit and hairstyle included, from “That’s My Boy” movie.
  3. Andy’s character of Conner4Real from “Popstar: Never Stop Never Stoppin,” was believed to be loosely based on Justin Bieber, but Andy has denied it on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” claiming it to have been more about the current music industry in general.
  4. In preparation of his character of Conner4Real, he was covered in so many fake tattoos, in an effort to suit the rapper style, similar to the many tattoos that Bieber sports.
  5. During the filming of “Hot Rod,” in which he played the role of Rod Kimble, all of his stunt doubles required to have prosthetic noses, in an effort to make them look as big as Andy’s.
  6. His co-star Jorma Taccone and director Akiva Schaffer would request the prosthetics to be bigger than the required size, as joke on Samberg, so that he would feel insecure.
  7. His performance as the Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg on one of the episodes of “Saturday Night Alive” was praised by the real Mark Zuckerberg.
  8. Samberg uses his character Jake Peralta’s signature “cool…cool cool cool cool cool cool” from the “Brooklyn 99” TV series, for his role as Junior in the 2016 movie “Storks.”
  9. After working on “Saturday Night Live” for seven years, Andy was ready to take a break from television, but changed his mind when he read the script of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” as he did not want to pass up the opportunity.
  10. The childhood pictures of his character Rod Kimble, placed in the dining room in the movie “Hot Rod,” are the real childhood pictures of Andy. His real-life parents were also part of the crowd, during his character Rod’s big jump at the stadium.
  11. Being s co-star in “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” he had to work in a Los Angeles studio lot, the very same lot where he had once labored as a gofer-like production assistant on the 1996 movie “Spin City,” in the initial days of his career. But this time, he had his own parking space.
  12. He performed the song “Dick In A Box” along with Justin Timberlake at one of Timberlake’s tour concerts in Madison Square Garden in February 7, 2007.
  13. In the movie “Hot Rod” the scene in which his character Rod Kimble asks Cathy (played by Britt Irvin) out, and then starts laughing hysterically was actually improvised on spot by Samberg.
  14. Even the scene when Rod and Cathy are on a bike ride to the date, Rod singing “Ohhh when you’re going on a date, and you put on a shirt! And you ride your bike to the daaaaate,” was said to be improvised by Andy.