The First Cry

What comes to your mind when you think of a newborn? The Baby’s Cry! Isn’t it?
It’s pretty much the same every mother remembers. 90 percent of the mothers are conscious during the labor and strive to listen to the first cry of their baby. The low decibel sound gives the healing touch to the pain that the mother undergoes. Unfortunate fathers who are not allowed inside the labor room, comes to a standstill on hearing the shriek of his wife. But then the next sound brings some smile and tears to his eyes.
Those nine stressful and restricted months for a mother seems like a mere distant thought once she hears to her baby’s cry.  Every single painful tear during the pregnancy period, turns magically into happy tears, right at that moment.
You must have watched many videos of baby smiling, smirking, laughing and various other emotions that incite a good feeling in you. But what about the very first cry, probably only a parent can tell you how it felt. Ask your parents what it felt like when you entered the world with your first cry!
And just as the baby grows, everything around seems to light up. Especially for the mother, though being stuck in the house, doing nothing but feeding, changing nappy, shushing, rocking to sleep, still she will enjoy it the most. 
To say, the mother would want nothing more than holding the baby for however long it maybe, just to keep the baby safe. In case of the father, he would rush home just to see the baby smile. That’s the life of a father and a mother.
There is nothing to replace the happiest first cry of a baby and only the parents know how precious that is. Don’t you agree?