5 Fascinating Facts About Deng Lun We Bet You Didn’t Know Before

Since his very first appearance in “Flowers in Fog,” Deng Lun has never ceased to amaze the audience with his impeccable performance. He already has several roles lined up for the next few years, with a humungous fan base gushing over his every smile and word.  While we get to know see him a lot, there are still many things that we don’t know about the actor:

  1. It is a well-known fact that he made his acting debut with the 2013 Hunan TV romance series “Flowers in Fog” in which he played the supporting role of Xu Hao. His performance was met with positive feedback from audience as well as critics. He was actually chosen for the role by Qiong Yao, after several auditions.
  2. He was actually accompanying his classmates, who were seeking a chance to get into the “Flowers in Fog” series, and did not take the audition seriously. But, he started performing seriously and landed the part, after multiple auditions overnight by video transmitting.
  3. He never had any plans of becoming an actor, until near graduation of high school. It was a tutor from his hometown, who encouraged him to study acting. The tutor has promised him that he will definitely get admission in acting schools.
  4. His other famous role, which the fans love, is Lu Zhao Hai in the drama “White Deer Plain.” It has been reported that he landed the part of Lu Zhao Hai, after more than 30 rounds of auditions. Although it was just a supporting role, his performance won the hearts of millions of viewers.
  5. He claimed in an interview that in the initial days of his career, he was not able to handle crying parts very well, as he had nothing to cry about. But, with experience, he had learned how to get into the character and let the emotion take over. Now he is able to perform crying scenes with all sorts of emotions.

Check Out These Deng Lun’s Upcoming Asian Dramas

With his performance as Phoenix Fire God Xufeng in “Ashes of Love,” he garnered international fame, making him one of the leading men in the industry, audience can look forward too. And so far, the actor has not disappointed his fans, as he has so many roles up his sleeve. Here are a list of the series in which we could enjoy watching Deng Lun again:

Graduation Season:

This will most likely be the first series we would get to see Deng Lun in, though the release date is yet to be announced. Deng Lun will be featured as the male lead An Jing Chen, alongside the South Korea’s darling, Krystal Jung, playing the role of Ye Ran.

The story revolves around recent college graduates trying to make their career in fashion world. An Jing Chen is an heir to an underwear company, but trying to make a name for himself. Ye Ran is an independent fashion designer. The duo start on the wrong foot, but develop feelings for each other.

The series was originally planned for late 2016 release, but had to undergo re-production, due to certain Chinese government restrictions.

Once Young

This is an adaptation of the novel of the same name Jiu Ye Hui, which is about a story of true love. He will play the romantic lead to Yang Mi’s metropolitan blogger character. The duo are childhood friends who gave up on their potential relationship while in college, but get to realize the true love again, following a life-altering earthquake.

The series is supposed to release by the end of this year, or in early 2021.

Loving the Earth

Set in the 1930s, the drama will see the rise of the Communist Party, while there is an outbreak of a brutal war. Deng Lun plays the police officer Ma Xiong Qu, as the second lead in the series.

Just like “Once Young,” “Loving the Earth” is also set for late 2020 release or early 2021 release.

Love When the Stars Fall – Ashes of Love Sequel

Ashes of Love Producer Andy Liu Ning and the directorial team have officially confirmed the sequel to “Ashes of Love.” While, the series was supposed to start production in early 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the production is said to have been halted. This will be the finale story in “The Honey Trilogy.” Although it’s not yet confirmed if Deng Lun and Yang Zi will be involved in the story, reports have been circulating that the story will surely have them involved.

Apart from these series, he has become a permanent cast member of the variety game shows “Go Fighting and Great Escape” in early 2020, which means, we will get to see him in those shows too. There also have been news that he will be starring in titular role in “I am Da Lian,” a drama based on a true story, reflecting the fights of an ordinary young man against COVID-19 pandemic.

5 Best Relationships in ‘Ashes of Love’ – ‘Heavy Sweetness, Ash-Like Frost’ We Will Never Forget

If you are in the mood for fantasy dramas, the first TV series you might want to consider is “Ashes of Love.” If you have already watched it, we are pretty sure you will have your own hundreds of reasons to watch the show again and again. Every episode of the show touches your heart so deeply that you will remember even the tiniest detail for months.

Add up the emotional performances of Deng Lun, Yang Zi and Luo Yunxi, there can be nothing better than this series. However, if you watch “Eternal Love: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” you might feel a bit of familiarity as both the shows deal with the Heavenly Realm and Demonic Realm.

Still, the story-line of “Ashes of Love” proves to stand out even today, making it one of the best TV series of the decade. The relationships between each character makes you cry your eyes out, and yearn for such a kind of bond in real life.

Although it has been two years since the show aired, it was extremely difficult to part ways with it and it’s highly impossible to pick just a few best relationships of the show. Still, these are five super strong bonds that popped into our mind, just as we thought of “Ashes of Love.”

Run Yu – Xu Feng

The relationship between the elder sibling Run Yu (played by Luo Yunxi) – the Night God and the younger sibling Xu Feng (played by Deng Lun) – the God of War, is nothing out of the box, but just pure love between brothers. While it’s true that Run Yu is the main antagonist of the story, and the final battle is between Xu Feng and Run Yu, the elder brother has always made it clear with his actions that he means no harm to his younger brother, but just can’t accept the way things are. In fact, fans believe that had Run Yu not witnessed the death of his biological mother Suli (played by Fan Mianlin), in front of his eyes, he would not have gone for the throne.

Run Yu’s love for Xu Feng has been a subject of question right from the initial episodes, what with Heavenly empress Tuyao (played by Kathy Chow) always doubting him. But, his intentions were proved when he hurried to look after his brother, just at the thought of him in danger, during his incarnation. If that doesn’t prove his love, what else could?

Jin Mi – Yan You

Yan You (played by Liao Jingfeng) – Snake Immortal, had always been one of the favorite characters of the show, not because of just his charm, but his matchless friendship with Jim Mi (played by Yang Zi). Sometimes, we even feel that more than Xu Feng, it’s Yan You who is always the knight in shining armor for Jin Mi. He stands by her, no matter what, and seeks nothing in return.  In short, Yan You is one priceless wealth that Jin Mi was gifted, that we would give anything to have.

However, it’s not just Yan You who makes the relationship special, and Jin Mi has also proved to be the best friend anybody could have. She has proven time and time again that she would go to any extent to save Yan You, even putting her own life at risk.

Xu Feng –Liuying

While Jin Mi and Yan You’s relationship is the best example of selfless friendship, the friendship between Xu Feng and Liuying (played by Chen Yuqi) – the Demon Princess, is a respectable one, but nothing short of the previous one in any manner. Through thick and thin, even at the hardest time for Xu Feng, Liuying pledged her friendship and was always there to help him.

Though it seems the pair was not so close, their relationship actually stands out to the extent that Liuying was ready to go on for a fake marriage for Xu Feng’s sake. If that doesn’t prove their friendship is special, what else could?

Run Yu – Kuang Lu

This relationship is more of loyalty, with a bit of single sided love from Kuang Lu (played by Du Yuchen) – the daughter of Immortal Taiji. Kuang Lu, who becomes Runyu’s subordinate, out of her admiration for him. She is one person who remains by his side through thick and thin and even at the time when he himself is in the control of Qiongqi.

Her love for Run Yu is so evident to everyone in the Heavenly Realm as well as the Demon Realm still Run Yu chooses to keep her at arm’s length. He even tries to get her leave him, but faces defeat when she pledges to stay by his side, just as a subordinate, until death.

Xu Feng – Lord Liaoyuan (Qin Tong)

One of my favorite relationships in the entire series is between Xu Feng and his personal guard Lord Liaoyuan (played by Zhang Junran). The duo have been through everything together, until Liaoyuan tries to save Xu Feng giving his life. Be it in Heavenly Realm or in Mortal Realm, it was Liaoyuan who understood Xu Feng better than anyone else. Their interactions always bring a smile to our face, leaving a thought do we have someone who understands us this much?

Liaoyuan was so special to Xu Feng that even after becoming the Demon Lord, he refused to have any other personal guard, replacing Liaoyuan. Deng Lun had made it very clear with his performance that how much he misses Liaoyuan, after being reincarnated.

Name it however you want, friendship or loyalty or love or affection, the scenes related to these relationships have always left us emotionally satisfied, and sometimes even sobbing uncontrollably. And it’s these relationships, combined with the strong love triangle of Xu Feng, Jin Mi and Run Yu, that makes “Ashes of Love” outstanding.

What do you think of these relationships? Which one do you think is the best? If you think we have missed any relationship that deserves to be added to this list, please feel free to leave it as a comment.