12 Interesting facts About Elisabeth Moss You Didn’t Know

The “Queen of Peak TV” has been leaving her fans speechless with her flawless performance in “The Handmaid’s Tale” right from episode 1. But, its’ not just that! The Queen is headed to the silver screen and seems to be conquering it also, with her unmatched talent. Fans have been going crazy about this beauty queen, and here are some little known facts about her that will blow their mind:

  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • Her commercial for Excedrin in the year 2002, was a very popular hit that ran for several years, providing her with residual income. It was at the time, when Moss was a budding actress, looking for a breakout role.
  • However, this later changed into requesting his presence always just to entertain her, as she felt there was nothing like looking at a tall man in a tight green suit.  
  • Her character Mom’s scenes from the movie “Light of My Life” was shot in just a single day, despite every scene being a challenge in itself, conveying most important and critical stories. She felt as if, she was shooting an entire movie, within a day, which was true to her character.
  • The images of cat in her character June’s mobile from the Episode 5 of “The Handmaid’s Tale” season 1, are in reality the pictures of her ginger rescue cats Lucy and Ethel.
  • It was during the hiatus between the Seasons 5 and Season 6 of her TV series “Mad Man,” that she was able to film the first season of the “Top of the Lake” TV series.
  • As a part of the preparation for her role as Becky Something in the movie “Her Smell,” she attended guitar lesions for three months.
  • She started dating comedian Fereydun Robert “Fred” Armisen in October 2008, and got married in October 2009. But, the couple separated in less than a year, and divorced in May 2011.
  • Throughout her teenage years, she studied ballet, even travelling to School of American Ballet, in New York, with aspirations to become a professional dancer.
  • Every dialogue she utters in the movie “Her Smell” gives us a feeling like it was improvised on the spot, but in reality, every single word was in the script. Moss had a really tough time in memorizing such dialogues.
  • Bette Davis is one of her biggest influences to take up acting as a career. Moss felt a tug at heart to become an actress after watching Hilary Swank’s performance in “Boys Don’t Cry,” and wanted to do at least half as good as Swank.