Some Enticing Facts About Emily Bett Rickards We Bet You Didn’t Know Before

Emily Bett Rickards, with the voice of an angel and gorgeous smile, has been the super-hero saving the world as Felicity Smoak for nearly a decade now. Be it her performance as Felicity, or just a minor role, she had constantly turned heads, receiving praise from critics and fans all over the world. But, there’s more to the actress, than just her acting career, as she is one of rising philanthropists, dedicated to bringing a change in the world. Here are some interesting facts about the actress, you may not know:

  1. Emily launched a T-shirt campaign in support of the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) in 2016, in collaboration with the crowd funding merchandise site All the proceeds of the campaign were donated to the charity.
  2. Rickards’s very first professional appearance was in the video for the Nickelback single “Never Gonna Be Alone,” in the year 2009.
  3. Her first foray into film industry was with some minor roles in “Random Acts of Romance,” and “Flicka: Country Pride,” in 2012, following which she was cast as Lauren Philips, a fictionalized love-interest of the killer, Chris Porco, in the “Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story.”
  4. “Emily Bett Rickards Acting Scholarship” was announced in February 2019, through her partnership with the Vancouver Film School, which will fund a full scholarship for both of the school’s acting programs. An additional partial funding of $250,000 for other students of the school, has also been allocated.
  5. Initially, her breakthrough character of Felicity Smoak in the “Arrow” was intended to be just a single episode guest appearance, but due to her chemistry with co-star Stephen Amell, who played Oliver Queen, her character was promoted to a regular in the show.
  6. She was cast in the role of Kim in the 2018 “Funny Story,” directed by Michael Gallagher, who claimed Rickards to have the qualities of an actress who can speak volumes without a single word and show their heart through their eyes.
  7. Emily Bett Rickards received the nomination for the Leading Actress in A Feature category, at the Southampton International Film Festival. Her performance as Kim was praised by festival critics, who described it as “impressively toe(ing) the line between blustery self-regard and the vulnerability it hides.”
  8. Rickards, in collaboration with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, filmed a Public Service Announcement, through which advancements in the treatment of spinal injuries were advocated. It was released on the same air-date of the episode “Taken” from Season 4 of “Arrow,” in which her character Felicity regains the ability to walk with the use of a prototype microchip.
  9. It was in the “The Fury of Firestorm” comics that her character Felicity Smoak originated as the step-mother of the superhero Firestorm, in the pre-New 52 continuity. However, with the popularity of her character in the “Arrow” show, Felicity was re-introduced from the October 2014’s Issue 35, in the New 52 continuity as part of the “Green Arrow” comics.In fact, the re-introduced New 52 version of Felicity Smoak’s appearance is said to be based on Emily’s portrayal of the character of Felicity in “Arrow.”
  10. She landed the supporting role of Patty in the Oscar nominated film “Brooklyn,” through her audition with director John Crowley, via a Skype call from her agents office, in 2015.
  11. Director Jeff Cassidy, Arrowverse alum, was very much interested in casting Emily in the role of Emma/The Princess in the super-hero themed short film “Sidekick,” co-staring Josh Dallas. But, he had concerns that Emily was too young for the role, and had to consult with make-up artisit Tina Teoli, before casting her.
  12. Emily Bett Rickards is the narrator of the audiobook “The Wicked Ones,” originally published as part of the “Ghosts of the Shadow Market” anthology, which is a companion book to Cassandra Clare’s “The Mortal Instruments” series.
  13. For the casting of Grant Gustin in the role of Barry Allen, The Flash, casting director David Rapaport was able to convince the network executives, only after a chemistry test between Gustin and Emily as Felicity.
  14. Rickards played the lead role in the Zayd Dohrn’s production of “Reborning” for Reality Curve Theatre Group, at the Annex Theatre in Vancouver. Her performance was praised by Katie Gartlan-Close, of Vancouver Presents stating “a phenomenal job carrying this show” giving a “nuanced portrayal of Kelly.”