Kanye West 2020: Qualifies for Presidential Ballot in Oklahoma

Kanye West is officially on the 2020 Presidential ballot in Oklahoma, amid reports of the rapper pulling out of the upcoming elections.

Kanye West is officially on the 2020 Presidential ballot in Oklahoma, amid reports of the rapper pulling out of the upcoming elections.

According to the Oklahoma Election Board documents, West has filed the statement of candidacy and a $35,000 filing fee to the state, which declares that he will be running as a Independent Candidate for President in the 2020 Presidential elections, as reported by TMZ.

“A representative for West filed the necessary paperwork and paid the $35,000 filing Wednesday afternoon, which was the deadline for a spot on the state’s 3 November presidential ballot,” said Oklahoma Board of Elections spokeswoman Misha Mohr. “West was one of three independent presidential candidates to pay the filing fee prior to the deadline, she added. The others were concert pianist Jade Simmons and cryptocurrency entrepreneur Brock Pierce.”

The news comes on the heels of the West’s adviser Steve Kramer’s statement to the New York Magazine’s Intelligencer, which reported that “West is out of 2020 elections.” The report also added that the rapper had overwhelming support, and also that he had hired 180 staffs for the campaign.

West also took to his Instagram account to post a picture of himself with the caption “Kanye 2024,” which was interpreted as he had dropped out of 2020 elections, and will be running for 2024 election.

West has already missed the deadline to qualify for the ballot in many states, including the critical battleground of Florida. However, his campaign was reported to have filed a “Statement of Organization” with the Federal Election Commission stating that a Kanye 2020 committee would serve as principal campaign committee for a West candidacy.

The rapper first announced his presidential bid in an Independence Day tweet, saying he had a vision for 2020. He was immediately supported by his wife Kim Kardashian West and Elon Musk. Since then, he had constantly been talking about his race in the Presidential elections.

Kanye West’s Still In-line For Presidential Race – Just Not in 2020, But 2024

Kanye West has ended his bid for the White House, in the 2020 Presidential election, just two weeks after announcing his entry. But, he will surely meet us in 2024.

The rapper has official announced in his Instagram account that he will be running for 2024 Presidential election saying “See you at the 2024 elections.”

Steve Kramer, the election strategist hired by West, has told the Intelligencer, “He’s out. I’ll let you know what I know once I get all our stuff canceled. We had over 180 people out there today.”

According to the report, the rapper has hired 180 people working in Florida, South Carolina and other states for his Presidential campaign. West had been trying to get his name as a third-party candidate on the ballot, since last week.

Kramer added that “West’s campaign team were working over weekend there, formalizing the FEC and other things that they’ve got to do when you have a lot of corporate lawyers involved.” He also pointed out that the rapper had been receiving “overwhelming support to get him on the ballot.”


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Kanye West announced that he is running for President of the United States, in the 2020 Presidential race, just 10 days before, on the July 4, Independence Day. He had decided the name of his party to be “Birthday Party,” as in his opinion, the day his party wins will be everybody’s birthday.

At the time of his announcement, he has already missed deadlines in several state ballots, but he claimed to believe that he could use the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as a reason to be placed on those ballots, as reported by DailyMail.

He had been talking about his entry into the bid for the highest position in the country for years, but it was for the 2024 Presidential race, and not 2020. His tweet on July 4, came as a surprise for his followers.

Kanye West 2020: Tweets “I am running for President”

Kanye West let off the most surprising fireworks display on the 4th of July, Independence day, 2020, with his announcement of running for President in 2020 – 122 days before the November 3 election.

The hip-hop superstar officially announced his decision on his July 4th tweet on his official Twitter page. Within a few minutes, the current President Donald Trump’s one of the high profile supporters, SpaceX founder Elon Musk, expressed his full support to West, while Kim Kardashian West, has also supported her husband, retweeting his tweet.

“We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future,” West tweeted. “I am running for president of the United States!” He ended the tweet with a #2020VISION hashtag.

This is not the first time West has talked about his bid for the White House, as even in the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, while accepting his Video Vanguard Award, he talked about the possible entry into Presidential race.

“It’s about ideas, bro. New ideas. People with ideas. People who believe in truth,” West said in his speech. “And, yes, as you probably could have guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.”

Even in November 2019, he was open about his ambitions for becoming the President, when he said “When I run for president in 2024, we would’ve created so many jobs that I’m not going to run, I’m going to walk.”

While there are no other specifics related to West’s Twitter announcement, the question of his eligibility on the presidential ballots at this later stage is definitely a big hurdle. As per the candidate website Ballotpedia, the rapper had missed the filing date for independent candidates in New York, Maine, Texas, Indiana, New Mexico and North Carolina, which ended on June 25. The cut-off dates in Michigan – July 16, Pennsylvania – August 3, Wisconsin – August 4, Arizona – September 4.