Lucifer Season 6 Spoilers: BTS Changes for Episode 9 Confirmed

The most popular series “Lucifer” is nearing its end with the final season – Season 6 already in the works. But, there have been behind the scene changes in the upcoming season, especially related to the director’s chair.

It seems that for Episode 9 in the final season, our favorite Kevin Alejandro will take up the reins, as director Karen Gaviola has to quit due to his very busy schedule.

“In a post on Twitter, Chris Rafferty confirmed that original 6×09 director Karen Gaviola is not going to be able to direct due to scheduling changes. Now, cast member Kevin Alejandro is stepping back into the chair,” as reported by Cartermatt.

With so many speculations and fan theories going around, fans are not sure of what to expect in the grand finale. In fact, with season 5B yet to premiere, there are a lot of possible storylines. Especially with God’s entry, there are even speculations of getting to know more about Lucifer’s powers and history.

Talking about how God’s arrival will our favorite Devil, co-showrunner Joe Henderson said that “So much of Lucifer’s relationship with God is about this distance. What was interesting is casting someone who had that inherent warmth, plays against the type you’d expect, but also leans into sort of the fatherly energy that he gives. He has that presence of the Father that you don’t want to disappoint. And the father that seems warm, but also probably could get angry at you at a moment’s notice. He’s an incredible energy to have on the show. And it opens up Lucifer in ways he has chosen to close off previously as the ‘wayward son,'” according to Comic Book.

As of now, the writers have made it clear that the God appearing after almost an eternity in front of his sons, has actually got something to do with his question for his devilish son. Though, there has been no hint on what the question would be?

Want to know more about “Lucifer”? Stay tuned! We will be back as soon as we get any update.

Lucifer Season 5B: Ep 13 – “A Little Harmless Stalking” Will Be A Big Linda Episode

When “Lucifer” comes back again with the second part of “Season 5,” there will be a big Linda episode, in which fans will get to see a total new side of her character, in a deep emotional level.

Richard Speight Jr., the director of the episode “A Little Harmless Stalking” claimed that the particular installment will revolve around the fan favorite character Dr. Linda Martin, and that it will a “powerful episode on several levels.

“My second episode teaches a lot on Rachael Harris’ character, Dr. Linda. She plays very heavy in my episode, which, by the way, was a real treat, because she’s a powerhouse actress and funny as all get out, so that was a delight. So much of my episode really centers around her. There of course is always the powerhouse wizardry of Tom Ellis and his storyline, but my episode specifically wasn’t hammering home that through-line,” Speight told The Wrap.

“Without saying anything that I shouldn’t say, Dr. Linda gets in over her head in a situation that is very unlike her to get involved in — but she does so for reasons that will make sense as the show progresses,” Speight added. “So it’s not always the funny Dr. Linda. You know, we see funny Dr. Linda, but this is also — there’s a lot of heart to her character and we see a lot of that heart in this episode.”

Speight, the “Supernatural” alum, was the also the director of “BlueBallz” – Episode 6 of the first part of Season 5. He will also most likely be directing an episode in the final Season 6 of “Lucifer.”

It has also been confirmed that “Lucifer” will resume production on Thursday, September 24, 2020, to finish up the 16th and final episode of Season 5B. Following which, the crew will directly start filming the sixth and final season of the TV series.

As for the Season 5B, there will also be a musical episode and not to forget, a lot more of God. The second part will also have Rob Benedict aka “Supernatural‘s” own God, guest starring as a mercenary who lands in the crosshairs of Lucifer, Chloe and the LAPD.

‘Lucifer’ Season 5 Spoilers: Episodes 3 & 5 Storylines Revealed

It seems that when “Lucifer” is back for Season 5, part 1, on August 21, 2020, die-hard LuciFans will be treated to an emotional epiphany, with a very strong and tearful conclusion, in the fifth episode – “Detective Amenadiel.”

The episode is said to have the perfect mix of “all kinds of emotions from a variety of characters” on the show, making the most emotional episode of the season.

And in the third episode of the first part of the Season 5 – “Diablo,” “Lucifer” will be dealing with a murder on the sets of a Warner Bros TV show about a “devilish hunk and his police detective paramour,” while being more on the humor side, according to TVLine.

As per the reports, when the show premieres, the audience will see Lucifer using all his detective skills to solve a mystery in “Hell,” while simultaneously helping Chloe with her case on the Earth, in the very first episode – “Really Sad Devil Guy.”

[Related: Lucifer Season 5 Spoilers: Supernatural’s God Coming To Meet Devil?]

Earlier last month, Netflix released images from the episode 4 “It Never Ends Well for the Chicken,” which will be a noir-themed episode, exploring Lucifer’s life in Los Angeles in the 1940s.

The upcoming season is one of the highly anticipated premieres of 2021, thanks to the big Michael, the evil twin brother of Lucifer, twist revealed in the official trailer of “Lucifer” Season 5. Michael’s visit to earth, and his proclamation of wanting to take over Lucifer’s life, has left fans going crazy with several theories.

[Related: Lucifer Season 6: Amenadiel Confirms Return; To Direct An Episode]

Part 1 of Season 5 will also see the entry of Lucifer’s father – The Almighty, God, portrayed by “24” vet Dennis Haysbert, and also Pete Daily, a L. A. reporter, to be played by Alex Koch. Pete Daily will be the new love interest of Ella Lopez, and is described as a “male version of Ella.”

“Lucifer” Season 5A, featuring 8 episodes, will premiere worldwide on August 21, 2020, in Netflix.

Lucifer Season 5 Spoilers: New Photos from ‘First Case’ in Episode Four Released in EW

New images from the first case of Lucifer, in the Netflix drama’s Season 5’s black-and-white episode titled “It Never Ends Well for the Chicken” has been released exclusively by Entertainment Weekly.

The said black-and-white episode, which will be the fourth episode in the first half of Lucifer Season 5, scheduled to premiere on August 21, 2020, will recount what happened to Lucifer when he visited Los Angeles in the 1940s. Fans will also get to know Maze’s past.

Courtesy Aimee Garcia/Netflix/EW


“Whenever you play [with] flashbacks, the question is always, ‘What’s the time frame that can reflect a person?’ What’s nice about noir is it’s detective stories, but Lucifer isn’t a detective yet. So what we’re almost seeing, to a certain extent, is Lucifer’s first case,” co-showrunner Joe Henderson tells EW. “There is a case, there is a mystery to solve, but it’s just more filtering our [show’s] language through noir.”

“Tom Ellis is made for this style. He kind of is Cary Grant. I think there’s always been something about his portrayal of Lucifer [that’s] old school, that harkens back to the extravagance and elegance of old Hollywood and just noir,” says co-showrunner Ildy Modrovich, explaining why they picked this era.”There was a moment in our arc where Lucifer needed to give us a little backstory on a character and tell us what happened to [him] a long time ago and we thought, ‘Perfect moment for a Princess Bride moment. So, let’s open it up and have Lucifer tell this story to someone. And if we’re really doing an homage to Princess Bride, that person should be Trixie [Scarlett Estevez].'”

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It has been reported that the original script of Season 5 – when it was the final season with just 10 episodes, did not include this story. The writers decided to delve into this part of the story, when the episode count was increased to 16 from 10.

The producers of the show are said to very much excited for fans to see the completely new characters that everybody portray, especially Lesley-Ann Brandt’s performance, which they are sure with break your heart.

‘Lucifer’ Season 5 Spoilers: ‘Supernatural’s’ God Coming To Meet Devil?

It seems that when “Lucifer” returns for the Season 5A, God will pay a visit to the Devil. The God here is from another universe – the long running CW series “Supernatural.”

Rob Benedict, who plays the role of Chuck Shurley, God in the “Supernatural” series, is reported to have a guest role in the upcoming season of Lucifer, as per an exclusive report from TVLine.

Benedict will be featured as Vincent Le Mec, a hardened French Mercenary, who will cross path with Lucifer, Chloe and LAPD, for his violent work in Los Angeles. However, the “Supernatural” star guest appearance will be a part of the 15th episode, which means, it will be part of the Season 5B.

It has been reported that Benedict’s scenes in “Lucifer” was shot just before the nation-wide shutdown due to COVID-19.  There’s no specific details as to if the filming of Benedict’s scenes have been completed or not.

As for the other guest appearances in the Season 5 of Lucifer, Dennis Haysbert from “24” will be featured as God, father of Lucifer. Tricia Helfer, Lucifer’s Mom aka Charlotte, who was last seen in the end of Season 3, will also make an appearance.

According to the reports, most of the episodes of Season 5, have been filmed, expect for the 16th episode, which is the season finale. However, the post-production work is yet to be done in most of the episodes.

Netflix recently announced that the first half of Season 5 – Season 5A, will premiere on August 21. There has been no updated related to the schedule of Season 5B. Last week, the streaming platform also renewed Lucifer, for the sixth and final season.