5 Scenes From ‘The Vampire Diaries’ We Will Never Ever Forget

It’s been years that “The Vampire Diaries” bid its fan a good bye, but still, people are reminisce all kinds of moments from romance to passion to even the saddest moments, from the eight seasons of the show. Nothing in Mystic Falls was easy or simple and it created a bond with the viewers, that is much deeper.

The entire series has so many scenes we love, and the actors’ impeccable performances have only made it even more difficult to pick up just 5. Still, we have listed out the scenes that we felt to be most memorable, in the entire series.

Damon confessing his love for Elena

This scene has been one of the most heart-breaking scenes in the series, which had crying our eyes out. Damon, after confessing his love for Elena, wipes her memory of him telling her how he felt. He gave her vervain necklace back, and tells her that he can’t be selfish with her, as he loves her. His words that he doesn’t deserve her, but his brother does, hits us right in the heart. His confession that he had to bury his feelings for her was so emotional and tragic.

When Alaric almost died

Damon and Alaric sharing some swigs is just the most casual thing, but, the buddies drinking together for their final moment in the tomb, when Alaric decides to die peacefully, was incredibly painful. Their heart-to-heart conversation, and Alaric jokes to get an apology from Damon, just melts your heart. Although Bonnie saved him, by turning him into a vampire, that scene in the tomb is not one you can easily forget.

Stefan calls on Elena’s birthday

A deal with Klaus, had Stefan, on the road killing innocent people as a ripper, in the Season 3 premier episode. towards the end of episode, he calls Elena to wish her on her birthday, but doesn’t say a single word. Elena, who loves Stefan more than anything in the world, says “Stefan if this is you, you’ll be okay. I love you. Hold onto that. Never let that go.” Although she got only silence as response, those words meant the world to Stefan. He, crying while holding on to the phone, just makes us cry along with him.

Sheriff Forbes’ funeral

Out of all the parents’ deaths in the entire “The Vampire Diaries” series, Sheriff Forbes’ hit us very hard and misty-eyed. Especially Caroline singing “Go in Peace” so beautifully, made the scene unforgettable. Damon delivering Sheriff Forbes’ message during the funeral, and calling Liz a hero, made the audience cry.

Stefan’s sacrifice

It would not do justice to complete the list without the ultimate sacrifice Stefan made, for his brother Damon, giving his life back to him. It was at a moment, when Stefan had eternal happiness in the horizon, in his life with Caroline. But, he gave up his life to close the door and Damon see Elena again. The moment, he calls Caroline and tells that he will be right behind her, is utterly gut-wrenching. Knowing that is a lie, we like Caroline only hoped it could turn true somehow.