5 Times Stefan Salvatore Had Us Crying Ugly

There is no doubt that Stefan Salvatore was the hero of “The Vampire Diaries,” especially after he saved everyone by sacrificing himself. Even the die-hard fans of Damon Salvatore were sobbing their eyes out, at that moment, wishing for any other way to end the finale. It may be years, but for most the fans, feelings of Stefan’s death is still raw.

From his epic love story with Elena Gilbert, to his out-of-the-world friendship with Lexi Branson, Stefan has always been the perfect guy who always sees the good in people. Not to forget his brother, Damon, although their relationship has been strained and complicated for more than century, their love for each other has no limits, which was undoubtedly proved when Stefan sacrificed himself for Damon. Here’s a list of five saddest Stefan Salvatore moments, we will never ever forget.

Stefan’s Ultimate Sacrifice:

Out of every sad moment in the entire TVD series, this scene had every fan in tears. Not even the team Damon fans was ready to say good bye to the selfless Stefan, who always showed only compassion to everyone, even the most troublesome Katharine Pierce. He, giving up on his happy future just to let his older brother have the life he wanted with Elena, would get to people even with heart of stone.

Lexi’s Death & Meeting Lexi in afterlife:

Every moment of Stefan Salvatore with his best friend Lexi is special! But, Damon killing her and Stefan was helpless, that was too much for feeble hearts. Lexi was more than just a friend to him, more like a family for over a century. Letting her go, that too in the hands of his elder brother, was too painful for him, as well as us. And the meeting in afterlife is so heartbreaking, that you would cry for them to come back. It’s always Lexi who makes the brooding Stefan comfortable enough to relax and smile, and be there for him even through the worst times of his life. And there can be no other perfect way for the fans to see off Stefan into the afterlife, without Lexi.

Stelena’s break-up:

When Stefan learned that Elena did love his brother, his heartache cannot be described with words. Losing her your love of life, to your own brother, still, Stefan was happy for Damon. Even the team Damon fans of TVD, paused their celebration to feel the pain Stefan was going through. The official end of Stelena was really one of the heart-wrenching scenes in “The Vampire Diaries.”

Stabbing Himself to Save Elena:

Stefan resisting Klaus’s compulsion to feed on Elena was simply amazing. But things took a turn, when he stabbed himself so that Elena can be safe, and even in that weakest moment, he gave Klaus one final shove yelling “No.”  The way he fights through Klaus’s commands, proving that he will not give up his humanity as well as Elena, was one powerful performance that left the audience in awe and big fat tears.

Stefan’s goodbye to Caroline:

Even those who were not aboard the Steroline ship, were sobbing in this scene, as Stefan finally had everything that he could wish for, but was giving up those for his brother. Caroline crying while asking Stefan to answer the call, is one of the unforgettable moments of the series finale. That final goodbye struck us right in the heart like a hard blow.